Author Topic: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?  (Read 8822 times)


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Hi! I'm new here, and am not sure if this is the appropriate "sub" to post my question under.... so if its not, please feel free to let me know and redirect me to the appropriate place. :)

Im a 26 year old female, and I have an (embarrassingly) recessed chin and lower jaw. My jaw has always (unfortunately) been shaped this way, as I've seen photos of me as a child confirming this. It's horribly embarrassing to me and have been looking into orthognastic surgery. I, obviously, have an awful profile, but i also suffer from intense jaw clicking and popping, and clearly you can tell from the photos, my teeth are very crowded. Self esteem is definetly an issue, but im also concerned of the long term effects this may have on my oral/overall health. My question is, based upon my photos, what surgery/procedure should I seek consulting with? Whether it be corrective corrective jaw surgery, genioplasty,  chin implant? Or possibly something that I have never heard of?

* also, i understand that it is usually genetics that this trait is inherited (I know also its from certain syndromes, but I do not have them), but no one in my immediate nor distant family have a weak chin, until my brother and I came along. I have a recessed jaw and chin, and he has an awkwardly narrow, weak chin. I have no idea why my brother and were the first (and seemingly, randomly) ones to BOTH inherit this awful trait. I also have two sons (both with two different fathers/exhusband's) that have the same chin as I do.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 12:11:11 PM by kara1179 »


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2014, 09:21:24 AM »
The photos appear to have been removed, but what you describe is very common. I have the exact same problem and have been researching various surgical procedures for several years in order to try and correct/camouflage this as it also impacts my self-esteem. There is a small but growing group of orthodontists who believe that these types of jaw issues are caused or made worse by environmental factors during our childhood, eg, being weaned too early, mouth-breathing, incorrect tongue posture and swallowing, a diet made up of predominantly soft foods and standard orthodontic treatment to correct overcrowding (tooth extractions + braces). This could be the reason why you and your brother are affected despite your parents having good bone structure.
The only advice I can give is to go and see 2 or 3 good maxilo facial surgeons and find out what treatment plan they would suggest. You do not have overcrowding, you have the correct number of teeth but you have small jaws, so if any dentist proposes removing teeth and slapping on braces to straighten out the remaining ones, please walk away !


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2014, 01:45:21 PM »
You look fine to me. You're quite good looking actually. If you want to improve your jaw aesthetics I think you could do it with a genio. I don't think you need full jaw surgery based on the pictures. Unless you're posturing your jaw forward in the photos that is. Maybe you are doing that, it's difficult to tell.


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2014, 03:23:02 PM »
Thanks, I take that as a huge compliment, because i consider my lower jaw horribly recessed and embarassing. I figured my upper jaw was recessed as well and I would need upper and lower jaw surgery. Even if you both were just being kind- i very much appreciate your input! I know what you mean by sticking the jaw out- ialmost always do it in public as to not be so embarrassed by it- but in these photos, this is my honest bite/profile, with no intentional projection. I wanted to know truly what it looked like I needed based on my natural profile. But even when I do push it forward, to where its in line with my top jaw, it still looks like a weak chin, so I figured both jaws were retruded.

This is what it looks like when Ipush it "forward":

As you can see, not much of a difference and still very recessed.

I was poked fun at in high school for my chin (not like by bullies, but by my male friends oddly enough) so it's made me incredibly insecure as a result. Ive never had trouble getting (weirdly, very attractive) boyfriends, but theyve all at one point mentioned my chin. I feel like i could actually be attractive if i had the appropriate procedure done, I just didn't know which procedure, thus doctors, to start looking into.

Gregor Samsa

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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2014, 11:06:07 AM »
I think you're very attractive as it is and even though there might be a way to improve your profile, I don't think it's worth it unless you have functional problems. I suggest you consult with a good maxfac surgeon first and check if there's any discrepancy between your jaws and if you have sleep apnea which is fairly common for people who have a recessed lower jaw.


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2014, 12:54:28 PM »
Chin implant would look great. Say no to any type of genio. I'd rather have a BSSO than a genio.

You don't look to have long face syndrome or a weak facial structure.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 04:53:34 PM by ragirl »


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2014, 05:43:39 PM »
It may be difficult to accept, but you don't have any noticeable deformities.  If you do decide to do a chin implant, go conservative.  Even still, you'd likely use a preformed one, and so you won't be getting really custom results.

I tend to be very conservative these days, so something like this would be enough I think ^

(if you take your images down I'll take this one down as well)


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2014, 07:46:56 PM »
I would not get an implant. My cone beam scan showed a good amount of erosion the implant caused (mine was medpor). Not something I would risk at my chin. Don't understand how surgeons can still so easily slap in implants, with that in mind, without warning patients.

Well that's a strong argument against it then


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2014, 11:24:32 PM »
Just get a genioplasty. I fear because of the very large bone-structure you have that a chin advancement would make you have an oblong rectangle and more masculine shaped face. You seem to have big and robust bone structure, so you'd want someone who could balance your profile but give you a more tapered V-shape chin which is more feminine. You should also try losing some weight so that your neck fat reduces. Definitely get a sleep study first and a ceph from a sleep study doctor to actually measure whether your airway is within normal paramaters. If so, then get a genio, if not then get jaw surgery, but with an aesthetically inclined doc. --for you I'd go with Arnett and Gunson since your upper face is already very forward.


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2014, 03:42:24 PM »
Whoa, how did you do that morphing thing up there, that was awesome!! I'd love to play aroundlike with my face to see what looks the best!


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2014, 03:43:29 PM »
And two posters noted that I had big other facial that a bad or good thing? Considering my chins so far back.


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Re: based upon my photos, which surgery would correct recessed jaw/chin?
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2014, 05:39:48 PM »
And two posters noted that I had big other facial that a bad or good thing? Considering my chins so far back.

You appear to have very well developed cheekbones.  I bet your eye area is very good - that's about 80% of facial attraction.  There are heaps of ugly people with strong lower thirds.  A weak lower third cannot really make someone who's good looking ugly... Maybe men.

I don't think advancing your lower third would make you look blocky. If anything it will balance out your face, because advancing the lower jaw can only lengthen the face, not widen it, and your face is "top heavy" if anything. It is possible to widen the chin with genioplasty, but I think your chin is wide enough.  Also, losing weight will make the chin look wider (that's what happened to me). In fact while having a lean face is not necessary, I think it makes it easier to estimate what needs to be done.