I've heard of him, does he work with Paul Johnson?
no i don't think he does.. or maybe he does. he seemed scientific and intelligent to me when i met him. i was also impressed that he said he does high lefort 1s and he traced with his finger on my face where he would do the cuts, right up on my cheekbone, he said "just below the nerve" i don't know what nerve he meant, but having done 2,000 or so i feel i can put my skull/face/jaws in his hands and feel safe. he also said he would do a zygomatic widening on me. one thing which irked me is that he will refuse to treat me if i put braces on without him having consulted the orthodontist and yet i had an appointment later this month to finally get them on. he said he is "difficult" and must oversee the dental movement stage. he said once braces are on "you are in a dynamic phase and you have immediately upset the delicate balance of the bite, although there is a malocclusion, it is at least stable, and if your orthodontist is not clear on where they are going, this is not advisable..." something like that. so yeah, i have to wait till my phone call with schendel to decide if i go with schendel or haers.
i'm also starting to think some surgeons get bigged up way past what they are worth. this guy does not really advertise but he is president of the international association of oral and maxillofacial surgeons... that has got to mean something right? and he said henri thuau, for example, was one of his students back in the day. yet everyone knows thuau and no one knows haers. he mentioned thuau cause i told him that he doesn't do ccwr. when i showed him my plan from gunson he said he can replicate the movements but will not use hydroxyapatite and instead do a higher lefort 1. he also disagreed that i need suborbital rim augmentation. he said that he did not know gunson personally, but that he knows "bill" arnett well, [apparently they went for a beer together at a symposium in barcelona aha]. he wasn't even name dropping, i kept asking him if he knew these other surgeons personally. ultimately, i think it is true that
"passion is inversely proportional to the amount of real information available" and often on these forums it is speculation and pseudoscientific guesswork from laypersons that drives hsyteria about which surgeon is "best". talent comes into it, but i'm starting to question how much is "real information".