Author Topic: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement  (Read 19826 times)


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Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« on: January 21, 2014, 10:34:26 PM »
So I had the operation and it seemed to me as soon as I was conscious after it that my jaw hadn't been advanced enough. My mandible had to be fully retracted and then compressed somewhat displacing my front teeth in order to get my molars anywhere near touching. Basically my front teeth were occluding and were edge to edge at rest. Unfortunately the Orthodontist was trying to fix my under bite instead of letting the surgery correct it so before the surgery my front teeth were already flared out and my lower teeth leaning inwards so nothing can be gained to make my bite work from here. So anyway I'm left wondering why the hell I wasn't advanced enough, my thought is my jaw joint shouldn't be in constant state of tension just to keep my teeth near touching at rest. How do other peoples bites feel after they've had le forte one advancement? Btw I'm 10 months post op now and my surgeon, who I no longer talk to, thinks it is all in my head. The orthodontist said to me she was extremely upset after she saw the result of my surgery, but she waited 6 months to tell me this.
My country is a s**t hole and no one is willing to help me here, I paid for everything out of my own pocket and now I'm broke and tired of it all. Sometimes I feel like doing something crazy and getting even with the people who have failed in their treatment of me then left me hanging out to dry. When I talk to receptionists at the offices where I've been treated they are very sorry and say things like what happened to you is really unfortunate, but this doesn't help me. I have feel strongly about making them pay but my country leaves me with no legal method to do this. I have many other complications from this surgery, the issue of insufficient advancement is about as depressing as getting no expansion. My surgeon despite saying it is all in my head also has said that I signed a piece of paper that said I accepted the risks of surgery yes piece of s**t he is. Anyway I just felt like getting the baggage of my chest, thanks for reading.

Gregor Samsa

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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2014, 10:42:48 PM »
I'm in a similar situation so I know how you feel.  :(

In which country did you have the surgery? Was there no communication between the orthodontist and surgeon before the surgery? To me it sounds like they should never have gone ahead with the surgery considering the way your teeth were positioned.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2014, 11:07:30 PM »
Thank you, I'm in New Zealand. Yeah I believe they had trouble communicating together, the reason why I think this is that the ortho complained to me several times about the surgeons slow communication. But basically they were lazy and didn't give enough of a s**t to do their jobs, probably because they can do what they like and know they ain't going to get in trouble.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 12:06:12 AM »
Unfortunately the Orthodontist was trying to fix my under bite instead of letting the surgery correct it so before the surgery my front teeth were already flared out and my lower teeth leaning inwards so nothing can be gained to make my bite work from here.

Has your ortho done treatment for surgical cases before you showed up? it sounds like he didn't even understand the basic concept of a combined ortho & surgical treatment plan, which consists of the ortho making the malocclusion as bad as possible dentally beforehand and the surgeon fixing it skeletally + ortho fine tuning afterwards.

it took me a while to understand this concept (about 30 minutes after i found this forum) but i am not an orthodontist.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2014, 01:18:03 AM »
Yeah she said she has done hundreds, but it later came out that I was her first le forte one 3 piece case. To me though it was almost as if she forgot it was a surgical case. I questioned her many times through out my treatment but she always said just trust me bla bla... Also my surgeon didn't care that I was left with really bad cross bites after the surgery it was weird it was almost as if the expansion was just a little bonus and it didn't matter if it wasn't achieved. He said we got the advancement and that was the main purpose WTF! I didn't even get that. Both of them are cheeky pieces of s**t really.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2014, 06:02:04 AM »
man that's rough... :-(

thanks for sharing your story, it's easy to get lulled into a false sense of comfort with all those excellent results floating around.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2014, 02:08:00 PM »
Thanks, I had a lot of warnings before the surgery that these two people were no good for me. I just thought be positive and trust them and it will all be ok. Hopefully in the future I will learn not to ignore red flags and not feel bad about calling people out on their BS. Never ignore the gut feeling


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2014, 03:32:45 PM »
Thanks, I had a lot of warnings before the surgery that these two people were no good for me. I just thought be positive and trust them and it will all be ok. Hopefully in the future I will learn not to ignore red flags and not feel bad about calling people out on their BS. Never ignore the gut feeling

1000x this. Dont make the same mistakes that we did :(


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2014, 02:20:36 PM »
Sometimes I feel like doing something crazy and getting even with the people who have failed in their treatment of me then left me hanging out to dry. When I talk to receptionists at the offices where I've been treated they are very sorry and say things like what happened to you is really unfortunate, but this doesn't help me. I have feel strongly about making them pay but my country leaves me with no legal method to do this.

Lol, when I first read the 'doing something crazy' part I thought you meant going vigilante. Like you were going to wait for them with a knife or something. I wonder how many people have seriously contemplated doing this to an orthodontist.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2014, 10:27:01 PM »
Yeah I'm going to see another orthodontist he is supposed to be very fair. I'm paying to have a full report done so that I hopefully have something concrete to argue with. The trouble is that Orthodontists are so ignorant when it comes to bite relationship and the complex rotation of the mandible in to the bite position. They don't seem to take into account the TMJ's in their assessment of a bite. Anyway there is so much wrong with my outcome that it should be positive for me. I'm going to make these people pay one way or another.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2014, 09:50:55 PM »
Ok I've deleted the last few posts I've made because, I have been given a nice surprise. I've received an unexpected report from the Orthodontist I saw a few weeks ago. He has fully backed up my beliefs and stated that I'm still a class three skeletal base and that I've had no expansion of the upper jaw. It is nice to have a report to back up what I knew right from the start. I hope I can go somewhere from this, ideally get a refund or perhaps seek further treatment paid for by the government.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2014, 02:07:51 PM by Ben »


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2014, 12:20:11 AM »

backward lowerjaw

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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2014, 01:38:10 AM »
Reading your previous posts it looks like you're right your lower jaw looks like it is more forward. You can tell a mile away because if your upper maxilla was forward the sides of you teeth would line up better because your upper jaw is back it makes it look narrower than your lower jaw. I know because i was a class 3. Does your tongue tip placement feel more forward in the mouth by the alveolar ridge? i.e when saying t,d,l sounds, this usually is the case if you have an upper jaw that is not the same as your lower. Best to get a few consultations, send the photographs or lat ceph to dr birbe his email he will give you an honest opinion, he has commented on this board in the past.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2014, 01:49:37 AM »
Thanks, yes my tongue is further forward then that place, more on the back of my upper incisors h but is cramped back even then.


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Re: Underbiter Leforte one insufficient advancement
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2014, 01:54:37 AM »
Reading your previous posts it looks like you're right your lower jaw looks like it is more forward. You can tell a mile away because if your upper maxilla was forward the sides of you teeth would line up better because your upper jaw is back it makes it look narrower than your lower jaw. I know because i was a class 3. Does your tongue tip placement feel more forward in the mouth by the alveolar ridge? i.e when saying t,d,l sounds, this usually is the case if you have an upper jaw that is not the same as your lower. Best to get a few consultations, send the photographs or lat ceph to dr birbe his email he will give you an honest opinion, he has commented on this board in the past.

What did you think of my Ceph?