Author Topic: Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?  (Read 12137 times)


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2012, 10:46:49 PM »
I agree that his hair is unattractive, but I think a buzz would only emphasize his large nose and weak chin.

geez do you know this person? are you allowed to post his pics online and basically insult his appearance?

he has acne, that can be treated. clindamycin+benzoyl peroxide=duac (high school chem w00t). duac is like $100 with my insurance so forget that. clindamycin is prescription but is available with most insurances. very cheap. benzo OTC is like 5 bucks at most. put the clin on since it is very creamy and the benzo after, three times a day. the acne should go eventually, also stop touching the face. grow the hair out, trust me he has cool curls it will look unique if he grows it out.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #61 on: August 21, 2012, 12:34:18 AM »
What about this guy? He isn't substantially deformed in any way, but he'll probably be rejected by society.

Wow, sorry but you simply don't live in the real world if you believe that. My (very good looking) 18 year old sister just moved in with a guy who is probably less attractive than this.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2012, 12:41:54 AM »
Wow, sorry but you simply don't live in the real world if you believe that. My (very good looking) 18 year old sister just moved in with a guy who is probably less attractive than this.

i don't know. what gets me is when blatant problems can be treated so easily. encapsulated pus is just...gross, doesn't take a rocket scientist to buy the right chemicals and the nuke the stuff of the face. maybe he is just eating too much greasy foods?


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #63 on: August 21, 2012, 01:54:00 AM »
Honestly he has a nice face in my opinion. Good eyes, nice hairline shape, nice smile. I also agree that if he grew out his hair and rocked it with confidence he'd look great. As for acne, my friend who had it so chronically tried literally every topical treatment and nothing helped. Nothing. Accutane sorted it. With that this guy it totally fine.. He's just young and at that awkward stage so if I saw him I'd just think 'when he's older he'll be great'. Simple.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #64 on: August 21, 2012, 01:59:52 AM »
Honestly he has a nice face in my opinion. Good eyes, nice hairline shape, nice smile. I also agree that if he grew out his hair and rocked it with confidence he'd look great. As for acne, my friend who had it so chronically tried literally every topical treatment and nothing helped. Nothing. Accutane sorted it. With that this guy it totally fine.. He's just young and at that awkward stage so if I saw him I'd just think 'when he's older he'll be great'. Simple.

He's actually 22.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2012, 02:37:05 AM »
Ah I see. I definitely recommend Accutane. It can work
wonders. After years of low confidence, thick make up and endless
cleansing to no avail, Accutane literally changed my friend's life. A really full-on strong drug but from
what I saw, the results are worth it.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2012, 08:54:50 AM »
don't see him as a beta really - think we're beyond the whole alpha/beta male conflict in RL. way too many variables and status indicators (money for example), this isn't the middle ages bro. there is nothing defective about the guy, he just needs to treat his acne and get a decent haircut or grow his hair out. he may not care the way he looks, and some people find that cool when the look is a man vs. wild sort of way, drinking his own you know, but not treating your face right (when it can be EASILY treated) makes people think you don't have any self-respect. which imo is worse than appearances.

yeah i know, i just found it so hillarious that everyone's feathers were getting ruffled by my looks rating system I thought I'd introduce another hilarious classification in the mix. God, you people are so easy...bro.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #67 on: August 21, 2012, 09:54:36 AM »
but not treating your face right (when it can be EASILY treated)

I hope you know that while it can easily be treated, for some people most treatments are almost entirely ineffective. While my own acne was/is transient in nature, many have slavishly tried medicines and followed regimens to little or only temporary effect. I would not judge others self-respect on this basis. 


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #68 on: August 21, 2012, 09:55:03 AM »
yeah i know, i just found it so hillarious that everyone's feathers were getting ruffled by my looks rating system I thought I'd introduce another hilarious classification in the mix. God, you people are so easy...bro.

Thanks for contributing...bro.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #69 on: August 21, 2012, 09:57:46 AM »
Thanks for contributing...bro.

WOW!!! I've been updated to being a "junior member"!! Oh kalu kalay!! What a glorious day! Don't worry guys and grills! We will all come through victorious with our jaw surgeries looking beautiful and attractive and those who know us, will love us, and those who don't, will love us from afar! I love you guys!


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #70 on: August 21, 2012, 10:39:13 AM »
I hope you know that while it can easily be treated, for some people most treatments are almost entirely ineffective. While my own acne was/is transient in nature, many have slavishly tried medicines and followed regimens to little or only temporary effect. I would not judge others self-respect on this basis. 

self-treatment maybe, but a dermatologist could diagnose him and prescribe the proper medicine. it does look like pretty advanced acne.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #71 on: August 21, 2012, 11:23:38 AM »
self-treatment maybe, but a dermatologist could diagnose him and prescribe the proper medicine. it does look like pretty advanced acne.

Listen, trust me on this, the only thing that works on acne is f**king ACCUTANE --i know, I've taken it and everything else and it cured me. Also, you have to eat PALEO (cut out ALL sugar, all processed carbs, all wheat, gluten etc.) Just eat meat (fish, eggs, steak, bacon, bison, antelope, octopus, reindeer, muskrat, shrimps, lobster, human) and vegetables (anything green and colored), no starches. Drink only water and green tea. Since I went paleo my skin and hair have become glorious, shiny and lustrous.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2012, 01:08:59 PM »
Listen, trust me on this, the only thing that works on acne is f**king ACCUTANE --i know, I've taken it and everything else and it cured me. Also, you have to eat PALEO (cut out ALL sugar, all processed carbs, all wheat, gluten etc.) Just eat meat (fish, eggs, steak, bacon, bison, antelope, octopus, reindeer, muskrat, shrimps, lobster, human) and vegetables (anything green and colored), no starches. Drink only water and green tea. Since I went paleo my skin and hair have become glorious, shiny and lustrous.

okay dr. jack. that may work for you but not everyone. i found duac to be extremely effect in eliminating acne and preventing it from showing up again. also, people often touch their face and not even realize it, dozens or hundreds of times a day. that can also create acne. i think the guy in the pic needs to see a pro/specialist because it looks rather advanced.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #73 on: August 21, 2012, 01:35:03 PM »
Listen, trust me on this, the only thing that works on acne is f**king ACCUTANE --i know, I've taken it and everything else and it cured me.

I think it's great that Accutane worked for you, but it is a very bad idea for jaw surgery patients to take this. It can seriously mess up bone healing. Soft tissue is greatly affected, as well. Obviously.

Also, you have to eat PALEO (cut out ALL sugar, all processed carbs, all wheat, gluten etc.) Just eat meat (fish, eggs, steak, bacon, bison, antelope, octopus, reindeer, muskrat, shrimps, lobster, human) and vegetables (anything green and colored), no starches. Drink only water and green tea. Since I went paleo my skin and hair have become glorious, shiny and lustrous.

While I like much of what you subscribe to here, unless you're consumming enough high sugared veggies (carrots, beets, sweet potatoes etc), there is that potential to go a little mad if the brain is deprived.


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Re: Do our looks determine our personalities?
« Reply #74 on: August 21, 2012, 02:08:09 PM »
i was on accutane for 6 months and as soon as i got off it acne started comin back

it was my sex hormones being messed up, eating like s**t promotes this i think.  birth control pills fixed it but not the underlying problem. 

anyways, accutane does not worth for everyone!!!!!!!!  and has some gross side effects.

i wasnt pizza face or anything but having acne made me even more neurotic/shy as a teen  :-\