Pretty much what the title says. I'll try to cram as much info in here as possible so that you guys can help me out.
I'm a complete newbie to this kind of thing and after following the Google rabbit hole more and more I stumbled upon this site. You all seem to have a good understanding of issues caused by skeletal abnormalities and how to go about starting down the correct path to fixing them.
First, a little backstory:
I've always had some clicking/popping and occasionally grinding sounds near my ear when I eat/chew but recently I started developing some semi-frequent pains when I eat something chewy or am chewing gum. Basically any time I am moving my jaw for a slightly extended period of time, I get a fairly sharp ache that starts to develop. After some Googling and such I found that I was probably experiencing mild TMJ pain.
Then I looked up what could cause TMJ and one big factor was (for lack of better terms) a screwed up jaw.
I inspected myself closer and closer and I came to the realization that I had a goofy-looking jaw that extended more downwards than outwards.
I kept searching on the subject of longface syndrome and realized that my messed-up jaw was also a major factor in why I struggle to breathe through my nose and must always end up mainly mouth-breathe instead.
I got a little caught up in the issue to the point where I started recalling instances when people have picked at me for looking funny (but I just passed it off as friendly, non-serious, joking about that friends do to each-other) or having a "weird chin" or being a "mouth-breather" or "having a small, funny-looking head"
I realized that my abnormal jaw is the reason for this. I became obsessed with the feeling that it makes me look terrible, and naturally I tried to push the bad feelings away and convince myself it's all in my head.
I've tried for the better part of two years now to ignore the urges to seek dental work or surgery or whatever will fix this, but it's become an unhealthy obsession to me.
I'll link to an imgur album (making it temporary, probably a full day or two, and I kindly ask you to not copy images for reposting purposes as I'm very paranoid at having pictures of myself on the internet) of a few different pictures illustrating this abnormality that I'm talking about: are my main issues:
-Pain when chewing/eating
-Difficulty breathing through nose; exclusive mouthbreather
-Lip incompetence (accentuated by 2 giant bucky front teeth)
-Retruded chin
-Jaw goes downward at a far steeper angle than seems to be normal. (in one of the pics, my finger is aligned along my jaw to demonstrate this)
I also included some shots of my teeth so you can get a relative idea of my bite and if that might be a problem in and of itself.
Some issues with them:
-My front 2 upper teeth are bucky
-I feel that my lower bite is overall narrower than my upper bite; I can line up the top and bottom on one side of my mouth, but the bottom teeth on the other side are much farther inward than their upper counterparts (I hope that makes sense). Also have crowded lower front teeth (these should be visible in the pic).
-(Side note) Don't be fooled in the one side-teeth picture when I strain and tilt my head upward, and my chin/jaw looks almost normal-ish. It's nowhere even close to my neutral, relaxed state.
This is the part where I beg you guys to apply some of your knowledge to help a poor idiot out.
Anyway, if you could please offer any advice on what needs to be fixed, what procedures are necessary, if additional orthodontic work is necessary, any recommended orthodontists/surgeons (Northeastern US), price range estimate, insurance advice (Aetna), or what my next steps should be.
Any constructive input from you guys would be greatly appreciated. I really hope you can set me straight and help me work to resolve this one way or another.
Thanks for your time.