Author Topic: Can you choose to only have 1 jaw done if surgeon suggests both?  (Read 1717 times)


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Hey everyone,

I had overbite correction (11mm) as a teenager by orthodontics alone and now at 25 I feel like it's relapsed from 3mm to more like 7. My lower jaw is assymetrical, with right side smaller than left and bottom teeth midline off. It causes TMJ pain.

I am due to see surgeon in a few weeks, and am hoping he will just want to do the bottom jaw as that is all I can afford. However, if he suggests both, what are the chances I can opt just to have bottom done? Does that happen? My upper jaw is fine I think, maybe slight prognathism but nothing too major, no gummy smile or long face.

Also, my teeth are straight from 2 years of braces as a teenager, will this potentially shorten or eliminate time in braces?

thanks in advance :)


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Re: Can you choose to only have 1 jaw done if surgeon suggests both?
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2014, 10:55:30 AM »
Mines kind of the opposite. I just want my top jaw done, but hes suggesting the bottom one too. For the braces, my teeth were straight from othrodontics when I was a teen, so I have to have them on for 7 months. Just two more months to go :) It could be quicker for you if your bite is good. I know for me, they are just pulling my teeth back in alignment,  and opening my overbite.  Did the surgeon say its required to have both surgeries to get your bite corrected?  For some cases they cant tell till later down the road when you have been in braces for a while.


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Re: Can you choose to only have 1 jaw done if surgeon suggests both?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2014, 04:17:47 AM »
Honestly, its a case by case basis. Some people can get away with just one jaw, some need two and it will depend on movements and how to best balance your face. How straight your teeth are now has no bearing on how long you will be in braces pre-op or if it will shorten your treatment time. Orthos typically need to line up your teeth so the will "fit" post-op so things might get a bit weird and off when dealing with jaw misalignment. Just talk to the surgeon about it, and see if its possible, (also ask to see some of their work) to see if its in line with what you want.
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Re: Can you choose to only have 1 jaw done if surgeon suggests both?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2014, 03:53:26 PM »
I can concur about the teeth getting messed up before surgery. Since they opened my open bite, my bite is so messed up. I cant even close my teeth together correctly anymore. Feels like crap lol