The max fac says that I have a big face, and the nose needs to stay large. He doesn't want to touch any soft tissue - tip, nostrils. Just shave down the bump and make it straight. He says the bump and the deviated septum make it bigger than it is. But I keep thinking that my tip is too bulbous and fleshy. I asked him if it's too risky to do the rhino at the same time as the surgery, and should I wait the oft-advised "12 months for the swelling to go down". He answered "you are not a model with a tiny tip that needs to be moved by a single mm". Hehe.
PM me a pic and I'm happy to give you my thoughts
I was surprised to hear that he does closed rhinos. From what I've read most PSs do open ones these days. Perhaps because as a max fac he's used to working inside out.
Open rhinos are more accurate. Given that the scar is tiny (mine is invisible but I do have fair skin which helps), then I would always recommend an open rhino
I though you were going to get your maxilla advanced? That will make the nose look significantly less projected (depending on how big the advancement is, of course).
Mandible advanced. Maxilla I want rotated and slightly downgrafted. Yes, advancing the mandible will make the nose seem less projected but regardless of that the tip is still too bulbous for my taste. It's either that he didn't take out enough cartilage or it's scare tissue. I broke my nose badly prior to the rhino which I guess doesn't help
What is really surprising is how cheap the rhino is by the max fac compared with the 2 top PS rhino specialists in my city. Less than 1/3 the price! Australia is kind of strange. PS here costs more than orthognathic surgery. I'm a bit dumbfounded by those Gunson & Arnett numbers floating around. Anyway, I really want to get all this surgery business out of the way in one go if possible. So do the basic rhino (bump and septoplasty) at the time of the jaw surgery, and if I'm not happy with the tip and nostrils, have them revised by a specialist 12 months later.
several reasons for this
- supply and demand, top nose surgeons with excellent reputations can always charge a premium. Because it's a difficult surgery, most people are less likely to go for budget rhino options
- if you're already under for jaw surgery you don't have all the anaesthetists costs etc.
I'm not sure I would advise doing rhino and jaw together. It allows you to only have one GA which is good. However, rhino with hump work is not an easy recovery. Your nose will be totally (and I do mean totally) blocked for at least a week, maybe more. I didn't sleep more than a 2-3 hours a night for 4 nights after my rhino. If you have bump work you will be very swollen and probably have huge bruises. Maybe it will be easier if your doc prescribes sleeping meds; mine did not. After the first week I started using decongestant spray, even though I'd been told not to. I was so desperate to sleep. During the day the nose is totally blocked and you can't breathe at all. At there's lots of hard scabs, too (and boogers)
Do you think that the "straightness" and the nose tip/nostrils are independent, or are they heavily interrelated?
related but not heavily. That how people can get "non-surgical nose jobs" with fillers. Also a heavy columella/bulky tip can do funny things to how a nose with a bump looks. Prior to my surgery my nose looked fine from some angles but from others it looked like a hook nose, but it wasn't. A nose with a up-turned tip and a bump generally looks a lot straighter IMO, also it's easier to 'correct' with fillers
Here are some pics of nose reshaping using filler (usually radiesse, sculptra or artefil)

(OTOH, I'm also considering leaving the nose alone for 12 months. My maxilla will be advanced, which will make the nose less projected and turn up the tip some. And maybe straight septums and symmetry in general are overrated. Daniel Day Lewis has a broken nose, which I didn't realise until someone pointed it out here. I've seen pictures of models with deviated noses.)
My nose isn't straight. The tip is twisted and one nostril is higher than the other and the main body isn't straight either. You can only see it in photos, in real life I'm moving too much for it to be noticeable.