Author Topic: Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)  (Read 17767 times)


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:22:50 PM »
Hey daftones,

If it's at all meaningful, my husband had braces when we first met. I was 20, and he was 23 at the time. I found him adorable, braces and all.

As for your surgery, have you asked your doctors about changes to your nose w/upper surgery? I had lower jaw sx only, but many have commented on upturned noses with forward and/or upward movement to upper jaw. Your nose is good now, so it may be something to ask about.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2012, 08:16:51 AM »
Hey, I just had surgery done for the exact same reason!  Lower jaw 9mm advancement + genioplasty.

I am 11 days post-op, doing awesome.  Once the swelling went down (day 5) I knew that it was a complete success.  I am breathing completely clear throughout the night.  No snoring!  I can't even force a giggle-snort.

Dark circles and under-eye puffiness greatly diminished (an unexpected, pleasant improvement).  Even for daytime, improved airway function is noticeable.  Get less winded doing physical tasks.

Best decision of my life! 

...and the improvement to facial aesthetics is a nice bonus.

Good luck to you with your surgery, hope you enjoy similar succes!


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2012, 12:40:18 PM »
I'll leave this up for a bit.   

There is of course still some swelling/bruising/numbness, it is only day 11.  ;D   Also, I am wearing some makeup in the afters, so the results look a bit more stunning than they might au naturel.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2012, 01:28:57 PM »
That's amazing


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2012, 04:51:59 PM »
Thanks!  I realise the lower jaw/chin advancement is perhaps not as far as it seems it could have been, but I'm happy with it.  I think they went conservative both to ensure lasting results and because it's a good balance for my particular features.

In any case, the main goal was opening up the airway...I would've done the surgery even just for that.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2012, 06:50:20 PM »
onmyway congrats! You look great for 11 days post op !Did you have any movement in your upper jaw or know how many mm you had moved for your genio?
Honestly, I think its a good thing that your surgeons took a conservative approach its better than going WILD on it and then struggling with identifying yourself post op !
We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2012, 09:01:05 PM »
Hey daftones,

If it's at all meaningful, my husband had braces when we first met. I was 20, and he was 23 at the time. I found him adorable, braces and all.

As for your surgery, have you asked your doctors about changes to your nose w/upper surgery? I had lower jaw sx only, but many have commented on upturned noses with forward and/or upward movement to upper jaw. Your nose is good now, so it may be something to ask about.

my nose is a bit up turned already, and I have been thinking the same thing. I am going to have a huge movement, my surgeon says. When I go in to see him in a few days I will ask about this. Rather have a weird nose than snoring and double chinned, though.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2012, 09:02:17 PM »
Hey, I just had surgery done for the exact same reason!  Lower jaw 9mm advancement + genioplasty.

I am 11 days post-op, doing awesome.  Once the swelling went down (day 5) I knew that it was a complete success.  I am breathing completely clear throughout the night.  No snoring!  I can't even force a giggle-snort.

Dark circles and under-eye puffiness greatly diminished (an unexpected, pleasant improvement).  Even for daytime, improved airway function is noticeable.  Get less winded doing physical tasks.

Best decision of my life! 

...and the improvement to facial aesthetics is a nice bonus.

Good luck to you with your surgery, hope you enjoy similar succes!

You look hot! I hope to have results like you.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2012, 12:15:00 AM »
my nose is a bit up turned already, and I have been thinking the same thing. I am going to have a huge movement, my surgeon says. When I go in to see him in a few days I will ask about this. Rather have a weird nose than snoring and double chinned, though.

My husband was prescribed a CPAP years ago. That thing lasted three nights. OSA so affects quality of life and is hard on the heart. Taking care of this when you're young and in good shape is best. Good luck to you!


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2012, 08:27:37 AM »
Hi I am new here, nice forum btw.


I have the same issue as you but to a lesser degree. I had a very noticeable overjet and my parents didn't want me to have surgery to advance my lower jaw instead I had two teeth extracted to camouflage the problem and get my protrusive front teeth back. My case is identical to this girl
This is how the ortho should've treated me or maybe surgery. Extraction will worsen the situation.

I've read that extraction can limit the movement of the jaw if you are having surgery as maybe you have bone absorption where they extracted your teeth.

I really don't want them to touch my upper jaw, I don't want any abnormal changes to my nose. I would be happy if I can reopen the gabs and have implants with lower jaw surgery. I want to do it right but this will take ages and lots of money.



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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2012, 08:39:04 AM »
I'll leave this up for a bit.   

There is of course still some swelling/bruising/numbness, it is only day 11.  ;D   Also, I am wearing some makeup in the afters, so the results look a bit more stunning than they might au naturel.

You look great !

just wondering if you have had extraction in the bottom teeth ? maybe this has limited them in the advancement of your lower jaw.

I am also wondering that from your previous pic you seem to have normal bite I mean your top and bottom teeth sit together perfectly when closed. How did they advanced your lower jaw without advancing your upper jaw. There is something I don't understand.

Like for my case I had an overjet which was comuflaged with 2 upper teeth extraction and got my protrusive front teeth back. I think I have normal bite and don't feel any pain. So for me If I want to have my lower jaw to be advanced I will need to advance the upper too ? Does this make sense ?


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2012, 11:11:36 AM »
Did you have any movement in your upper jaw or know how many mm you had moved for your genio?

I'm not sure about the genio, it only came up in the last consultation, we focussed more on the added complication of increased possibility of nerve damage.  Thankfully, I was told right after surgery that it went beautifully and the nerves were not damaged.  Upper jaw stayed put, more explanation below.  I'll be asking more about the genio at my appt on Tuesday.

You look hot! I hope to have results like you.
 Thanks!  I'm sure you'll be happy/relieved.  I wish I'd done this in my early many years wasted.  No more afternoon napping!.  

just wondering if you have had extraction in the bottom teeth ? maybe this has limited them in the advancement of your lower jaw.

I am also wondering that from your previous pic you seem to have normal bite I mean your top and bottom teeth sit together perfectly when closed. How did they advanced your lower jaw without advancing your upper jaw. There is something I don't understand.

Like for my case I had an overjet which was comuflaged with 2 upper teeth extraction and got my protrusive front teeth back. I think I have normal bite and don't feel any pain. So for me If I want to have my lower jaw to be advanced I will need to advance the upper too ? Does this make sense ?

I did have 1 incisor removed a few years, it protruded quite a bit.  I had to have top front crowns done and the dentist advised that he could achieve a look of straight upper teeth if I had the bottom incisor removed and the crowns built to come in a bit (hardly the technical explanation).

That bottom incisor cost me about 2mm forward movement, according to ortho and surgeon.  Aww well.  

I think a lifetime of pushing my jaw forward + the braces actually caused my bite to appear more normal.  As things aligned for the surgery, I found the resting position for my jaw had changed.  In fact, episodes of sleep apnea and heavy snoring seemed to have disappeared even before the surgery, at least according to my partner.  So I'm not sure what you see in the pic is the most accurate representation.  My workup x-rays had to be taken a second time because I'd become so accustomed to the newer (forced) position.

Prior to the start of all this, with back teeth together, I could fit my pinky between the top and bottom front.

It sounds like in your case you might have to choose from a couple different treatment options.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 05:43:09 AM »

  Thanks!  I'm sure you'll be happy/relieved.  I wish I'd done this in my early many years wasted.  No more afternoon napping!. 

So...are you saying that after the surgery I will be able to have a normal night/day sleep cycle?  Right now I sleep at 10pm, wake up at 5am.  I return from work around 4pm and then sleep for about 1-2 hours before resuming the day.


Did you post any before/after pictures?  I sometimes think I'm going to look strange afterwards....although right now I honestly do not give a flying F***!

Prior to the start of all this, with back teeth together, I could fit my pinky between the top and bottom front.

The tip of my thumb as of now.  I could have sworn that I measured 6mm of overjet when this process started.  I'm close to something like 11mm right now, and the incisors still have a way to go before they are upright.  As of now, my molars do not at all touch (making eating a literal headache)...but the orthodontist will be leveling my teeth after the incisors are properly uprighted.

Every time I eat I feel a little bit like this towards my food (NSFW language):

« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 06:02:36 AM by streo »


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2013, 11:12:44 AM »
Just letting everyone know that my surgery happened on march 14th, 2013. If you check out the link I am keeping updates there.


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Re: Overbite Surgery for Sleep Apnea (Log)
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2013, 11:38:10 AM »
Holy lip swelling.   You look great though.... I predict an awesome result.