Author Topic: Numbness One Year Post Op  (Read 2128 times)


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Numbness One Year Post Op
« on: April 10, 2014, 02:55:17 PM »

I had double jaw surgery over a year ago and have only really noticed a few months ago that my bottom lip and chin area still feel slightly numb. I can feel sensation when I touch the area but there is definitely a difference compared to how the rest of my face feels. Since noticing this, its constantly on my mind and it feels quite uncomfortable. I am worried that it may be like this forever. My lip and chin feel burnt and like its not part of my face. This is having a negative effect on my quality of life to be honest. Its like a constant reminder of having the operation. I have read about experiencing the tingles when your nerves are regenerating and have had some but very little.

About three or four months after surgery I starting having the occasional cigarette when I was out at bars or whatever and I'm wondering if this has prevented my nerves from healing fully. I was by no means a smoker. I only smoked a few times and find it hard to believe that this would have caused any real damage but what other reason could there be for me not to recover. I am young and healthy and my nerves weren't damaged in the surgery. I am reluctant to put the blame on my surgeon as I am very happy with the results apart from this numbness.

I'm not sure if any one can help me on here but I thought I should get it out there in case any one has had a similar experience. When I was told there was a risk of permanent nerve damage, I said I didn't mind and would be able to cope with it but now that I am faced with the possibility of living the rest of my life with this it's a different story.


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Re: Numbness One Year Post Op
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 05:32:24 PM »
I'm sorry this is happening, and I hope it gets better soon!

The only thing that I can think of off the top of my head would be making sure your B Vitamin status is in good standing. I would particularly recommend making sure they are methylated (this can really make a difference, depending on the individual). I can give you specifics if you need them, and I'll do a little digging to see if I can come up with anything else.
