This is absolutely true, however to a point won't alter much of your perceived age. It'll make someone look some years younger (particularly as you get into advanced age), though ultimately it's going to make them look BETTER for their age.
Our perception of age is heavily associated with bone loss. How is it that someone caked in make-up and airbrushed with perfect skin will always look around their age? It's not like we can simply airbrush the face of a 40yo and suddenly we confuse them for a 20-something girl. Reason being bone loss leads to the loss of a triangular face shape, less facial fat, narrower midface, all those things give the perception of age.
It's also why attractive people 'age better'. They have more bone to lose and thus retain youthful features and appearance for longer.
my two cents.
I agree in part but not completely. There are many things that contribute to ageing. One of the most major things is loss of contrast in the face. Over time, the skin gets darker and everything else gets lighter. That's why makeup works - I think she looks a lot younger with makeup the most aging things, facially, are - jowls, marionette lines and sagging mouth corners, followed by sagging brows and eye corners. However it is true that a weak bone structure will make these things much worse. I am already seeing sagging in the mid and lower face because of weak bone structure

I wonder who ages worse - class 2s (with the underdeveloped mandible) or class 3s with the underdeveloped midface?
It will be interesting to see how this field develops over the next 10 years or so. There are already a lot of techniques to address most aspects of ageing but bone degradation is something that is something that has so far, been pretty overlooked. Ironically, I think some of the advances we are going to see in jaw surgery over the next 10-20 years will originally come from anti-aging cosmetic surgery and then get adopted by orthognathic surgeons. Simply because there are far more cosmetic surgeons vs jaw surgeons, the demand for anti-aging surgery is so high, and a 50 year old usually has more money than a <30 year old
Combination procedures - browlift, bleph + canthoplasty, midface lift

Canthopexy (but done with an awful and unnecessary browlift!!!)
