Author Topic: Its impossible to get high cheekbones by using surgry.  (Read 1623 times)


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Its impossible to get high cheekbones by using surgry.
« on: May 02, 2014, 01:04:18 PM »
Its possible to get your cheekbones more protruded in lower parts, Its possible to reduce them in different parts. I don't know but it even might be possible to achieve lateral projection but but but...
What about your jaw and your masetter muscle? You know there are two things that are awesome about high cheekbones, I mean they make your whole face look better but two things are always the most obvious, The bones themselves protruding next to your eye and the hollowness of the cheek beneath them. If you don't have the jaw then you cant get a natural looking cheekbone by surgery, can you? I mean the surgeons can't do anything to masetter muscle connected to your cheekbone and  change the shape of your lower jaw, can they?


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Re: Its impossible to get high cheekbones by using surgry.
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2014, 08:43:26 AM »
I was searching and whenever Im searching one of the top results is this site called AO Foundation. I see really interesting stuff there, Are surgeries such as
((THIS)) really possible? or is it just theory? Does such surgery move the muscles attached to cheekbones too? I mean it should, right? or otherwise it stops the patient's face from functioning right.