Author Topic: I CAT/Cone Beam--Those who've had surgery, how many total scans did you have?  (Read 1320 times)


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I've been told that throughout the jaw surgery experience a patient has to have several i-CAT or Cone Beam scans.  Those who have had surgery, would you mind saying how many you had from beginning to end?  I'm concerned about radiation even though i-CAT gives off less radiation.



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I haven't even had surgery yet, and I've had several. Part of that is because the Mayo apparently requires their own; they won't take pictures/results from others.

I would just do what you can by making sure they are truly necessary, and asking if you can bring both the disk and written report from one doctor to another (don't keep getting the same scan, of the same area over and over). Beyond doing that, I wouldn't worry about it.