Author Topic: Going rate for Dr Posnick? Experiences?  (Read 7046 times)


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Going rate for Dr Posnick? Experiences?
« on: January 03, 2013, 01:42:05 PM »
I got a reply back from Dr Posnick...after looking at my pictures and my xray he said it would be worthwhile to come in for a consult. Which is great because I've been brushed off by my local docs.

Does anyone know his going rate for double jaw surgery? No point getting my hopes up if he charges 80k a pop like Arnett and Gunson.

I'll ask him if I have to, but it's hard enough to get a doctor to give you an online consult, much less talk pricing  :-[ So if anyone is in the know...  :D


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Re: Going rate for Dr Posnick? Experiences?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 01:53:27 PM »
Well I may have answered my own question...found this on another board:

Maxillo facial surgery:
Bsso- 15000 - originally 17,500 but he discounted it for me
Genio 5,000
Hospital- 2500
Anesthesis- nop price yet but i guess itl; be 1000-2000
Total cost- 30, 200

So for double jaw I'm looking at 50 grand...yay.

Still love to hear anyone else's experiences with him.


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Re: Going rate for Dr Posnick? Experiences?
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 01:57:16 PM »
The hospital I stayed at, Georgetown, was covered by my insurance so the two night stay should be covered 100%. For the two nights the cost ended up being around $47,000. The surgery itself costs around $24,000 but this included upper jaw, lower jaw, removal of four wisdom teeth, three way split of the upper jaw, genioplasty, septioplasty, and reduction of turbinates since I was unable to breath through my nose. Being out of network the insurance company said they would cover a maximum of 80%. If they do cover that much I'll be very happy. I'm still waiting with my fingers crossed on the amount they decide to cover. I hope this helped. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Not sure why this guy's surgery for double jaw + genio + septoplasty was only $24,000 with Dr Posnick though. Not counting the hospital fee.


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Dr Posnick or other genioplasty Experiences
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2014, 08:35:49 PM »
 Hello ticktickatick,

How was your visit with Dr. Posnick? I hear he is the best and I know he charges a hefty penny for his service.


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Re: Dr Posnick or other genioplasty Experiences
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2014, 08:16:05 AM »
Hello ticktickatick,

How was your visit with Dr. Posnick? I hear he is the best and I know he charges a hefty penny for his service.

Price was a major factor for me, and there was nothing about Dr. Posnick that made me feel like his $50,000 surgery was going to be better than anyone else.

He was nice enough. He seems like he has built his reputation in the academic world and publishes a lot. I don't really know that theoretical knowledge and academic popularity always equal the best practical skill though.

So for a surgeon I don't care how many papers you've written, I just want to know that you are going to be spot on while cutting up my face and putting it back together.

I guess I just didn't feel confident he was the right choice for me and his price would have been prohibitive.

He is also getting on in years...I think he's close to 70? I'll go with older and experienced over fresh out of medical school, but I think he is past the sweet spot.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 08:32:18 PM by ticktickatick »


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Re: Going rate for Dr Posnick? Experiences?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2016, 02:32:08 PM »

Have you had bimax surgery?  Who did you go with?  I've seen Dr. Posnick as well but also concerned about cost.  Thanks!