A chin wing might be an option.
Might. Maybe. Could. Possible.
See the trend? Doing your one's own research is critical, but turning down advice from knowledgable posters who've spent years researching this seems to me foolish.
The entire thread has degenerated into something like this:
Now compare that to the other thread made by a guy who's uploaded photos. Why not blur the eyes out? Delete the photo once advice has been given? Blur the whole face out just show the jaw and mouth and people can still give advice. I can say personally that sending out censored pictures which detailed my problems has been one of the smartest things I've ever done.
One more thing too, if you are not concerned specifically with jaw surgery and rather plastic surgery then might I suggest also seeking out opinions on a board dedicated to that? Missj's is very good, however costs money and I don't know if they are accepting people or how that works. Looksyourbest is another decent one. Real Self is a good place to get biased opinions from plastic surgeons.