one bizarre interest I have is looking at the teeth of celebrities.
and it's from such pics that i'm left wondering if there's a range - albeit small - of skeletal jaw relationships within the class 1 group. I dunno if this makes sense but many of the famous people I have in mind have nothing class 2 or 3ish about their facial shapes. however, when you see a pic of their teeth - especially when clenched - some seem to have more ?anterior? lower canines and/or more crowded lower incisors than others. Others are in the other direction and almost seem to have a very slight overjet. Yet all these people would seem to have good facial balance and be within the class 1 group.
I know the front teeth can't tell you that much about the skeletal relationship but can't they maybe hint at how the jaws meet.
also, aren't most physical characteristics, like height and weight, distributed across a group in a way that plots a bell curve on a graph. it's called normal statistical distribution, I think. wouldn't that mean that there'd be a ton of people slightly to one side or other of the average measurement but who'd still be so far away from the tails of the curve that they'd be considered 'normal'.
aren't 70% plus of people in the class 1 group but couldn't a good chunk of those fall out towards the class 2 or 3 side of the average, 'ideal' jaw relationship? that would make sense of how people who seem to be class 1 still seem to vary slightly in an anterior/posterior alignment of how their jaws meet.
am I making any sense or have I just lost the plot