You have attractive features and you are well preserved (almost 40!?). Only your bite needs correction, and you can probably get away with very small movements (which hopefully will not radically alter your features - widen, tip up nose, etc..) Your teeth are almost straight, so I don't believe in 2 years. My teeth were much more crooked, and my underbite much bigger and I'm ready for surgery after 12 months*. In orthodontics, closing extraction spaces takes more time than anything. Find a good surgeon first and go with his recommended ortho. Don't bother with invisalign or lingual braces. They are not as accurate as traditional braces, take longer and linguals are hard on your tongue and hard to keep clean. Ceramics only over the top front teeth (but they may be hard to debond later and could strip some enamel!)
*Supposedly my ortho uses SureSmile planning software (says so on his website), which is meant to accelerate treatment time. He never bragged about it to me, but he is a man of few words. In contrast the other orthos I consulted with just wouldn't shut up (one gushed about SureSmile like it's the second coming of Jesus. When I mentioned this to another ortho (another big mouth) he said that "J needs it 'cause he needs all the help he can get" between the lines: the incompetent clod grabs onto every new fad that comes along).