Author Topic: Hangovers  (Read 2471 times)


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« on: September 21, 2014, 03:55:43 PM »
So, like most of us, I used to be able to drink days in a row and manage my hangover pretty well. Since my mid-20s it takes me less and less alcohol to feel worn out and exhausted entire next day, often I need to spend the day in bed. I don't really feel sick per se, but just extremely tired. In the morning, around 5-6 AM I sometimes wake up anxious and have trouble going to bed, and sometimes take an Ativan to help myself get back to bed. It is become such a big issue that there are weekends where I spend most of it in bed, even though I have only had a few drinks the night before with my friends. Last night I plan to have an easy night, so only had a couple glasses of wine, for example. Today I'm still in bed and it's 5 PM.

I know this is probably a common experience, but I feel like others around me do not suffer any extent the way I do.

I'm wondering if any of you feel like this the day after drinking and have any suggestion about how to minimize the symptoms. Thanks guys.


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2014, 05:23:17 PM »
I quit drinking cold turkey because of the effect it started having on my body.  I drank fairly heavily for a couple of years, though I wouldn't call myself an alcoholic because I had no problems quitting.  Hangovers got much much worse and I stopped getting any of the positive effects from alcohol (relaxation, mild euphoria).  Since then certain over the counter drugs seem to effect me differently too, I refuse to take anything with acetaminophen in it.  Saw three gastroenterologists since, they say my liver looks ok, but I know my body is telling me no more abuse. 
Kind of adds a whole other concern to jaw surgery for me, though. 


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2014, 05:29:57 PM »
You could be sensitive to the sulfites that are found in many wines.

I started getting bad hangovers in my early 20s so I basically gave up drinking.  Now I hardly ever drink, I'm a total lightweight, weigh 51kg but I don't think I'd feel that bad after 2 glasses of wine, unless they were the big 250ml glasses in which case....well it's not that small an amount of alcohol

I often drink Cointreau with soda water - it's only 20% so I can have 4 and it's the same amount of alcohol as a double vodka.  I have never found a cure for this kind of hangover so I just minimise alcohol as much as possible.

I think I only drink enough to get a hangover twice a year and then I treat myself to these -

I.e. The Finest Crisps Known To Mankind


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2014, 06:55:38 PM »
No judgement, but is it really worth it if booze leaves you feeling so terrible? I know it's not always that easy, but spending an entire day in bed sounds like it sucks! Weekends are glorious, and how many Netflix can you really watch w/o going nuts?

I've actually never had a hangover before (2 livers, maybe?), and I can drink all the men under the table. Genetics, maybe? Maybe, just your individual metabolism? Any chance you're eating something, when you drink, that's making you feel so bad the next day? Have you tried only drinking really good quality alcohol? I have a few friends that swear by strictly drinking clear booze, and alternating each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water.

Take care of yourself :)


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #4 on: September 22, 2014, 12:01:54 AM »
Thats why I rarely drink anymore and when I do now, I dont really get a hangover which I love. I dont much like being under the influence of anything anymore from a bad past history.  Kind of like just being me now.  When I use to drink a lot more I definitely tried to drink a lot of water and I always madr myself throw up before I went to bed to usually gst rid of the spins and for some reason it did make me feel better. Also would pop some ibuprofen right before bed, which I know isnt probably super good to take with alcohol in you, but I wouldnt do it that often.


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2014, 02:59:52 AM »
Drink a pint of water before bed and two Nurofens. Then in the morning take a rehydration powder, like Dioralyte, followed swiftly by a Berroca tablet dissolved in yet more water. Put on a moisture mask for half an hour then you should be all set to party again!

I'm pretty much teetotal these days, apart from the odd bottle of champagne, ahem.


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2014, 11:00:54 AM »
I drink red wine every week night and champagne at the weekends.
As with pornography, the buzz diminishes over time but still, out of habit I carry on.


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Re: Hangovers
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2014, 07:02:36 PM »
Thank you all for the feedback.

I have a right to be judged. Problem is that old habits die hard. When you are out with friends you think to yourself what is another beer going to do. I have a hard time finding a solid group of friends (that I have other things in common with) that don't drink most weekends. I guess it's the price of trying to be social. I also have had some pretty fun times and some were actually worth the hangover. Most haven't been.

I have tried some of the things you guys have mentioned, but lately it's just fatigue that sets in. In the past I could nap for a couple hours in the afternoon that would essentially cure me of my hangover. Now that no longer works for me. I wonder sometimes if it could be sleep apnea. I snore intermittently and only faintly from last weeks recordings but in the past could be heard through walls after drinking. Anyone have that experience?