Author Topic: Benefits of Jaw surgery for suspected midface hypoplasia  (Read 1228 times)


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Benefits of Jaw surgery for suspected midface hypoplasia
« on: October 14, 2014, 08:52:48 PM »
I suspect I have a mid face hypo plastic as I've already asked on real self about suspected my exophthalmos and was given answers about my lack of projected bony orbital rim as well was flat cheeks so I was wondering what the potential benefits were and it my concerns are at all accurate or am I just blowing smoke out of my butt?

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Re: Benefits of Jaw surgery for suspected midface hypoplasia
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2014, 03:39:56 AM »
IANAD, but given your eye asymmetry, I would see an oculoplastic surgeon as well.  As far as maxillofacial surgeons go, see one who is also a craniofacial surgeon as well (does syndrome cases, paediatric cases, etc) + does plastic surgery as well.  There is typically one such surgeon in every large city associated with a big university hospital.


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