Author Topic: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed  (Read 44716 times)


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2014, 02:54:55 AM »
I think you look good, but the underbite is indeed a bit noticeable.

Here are my concerns: FIRST DO NOT UNDER ANY CONDITION GET THE LOWER JAW MOVED BACK! THis will make your whole face look flatter. You need the upper jaw moved forward. It will create more space in your mouth too, not less. Do not have any teeth etc. removed (except wisdom teeth).

I think I agree with everyone else, consult more surgeons and specialists and if need be go abroad. Only with top surgeons. Your is a straightforward case.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #16 on: December 20, 2014, 03:05:33 AM »
i mean is my underbite that much obvious? you mean losing weight means it gets more obvious?

Absolutely.  Fat is great camouflage.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #17 on: December 20, 2014, 05:52:25 AM »
yeah the doc also told me that the upper part of my face looks "pretty good" even I am more critical. from the front I would say it is not that much if you directly in my face, ok my underlip is a bit prominent, but lot of ppl have prominent underlip. thr good thing is that most class III patients have a very vertical face, kind of long face syndrom and this is not that much visible in my case I would say. profile is a bit let me said screwed up, even here I would say that there are class III patients who have a worse profile than me. not meaning my profile is top but compared. I mean lets be honest. severe class III patients and the overall look sometimes causes kind of negative reactions by others even not spoken out in society. lets be honest, thats a fact. but I dont know. there are days I dont think about it and I feel confident about myself. and then there are days where Inwake up and it is in my mind all day and I kinda lose my confidence. Call it a mental issue, but thats my emotions guys. why shall I lie. here a pic from today

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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2014, 12:46:06 PM »
the main issue here is if it causes any functional problem like bite issues or sleep apnea. if not then screw it and stop visiting this site. it's not so noticeable it's an issue. all of us on this board scrutinize these issuse so we'ree hyper neurotic and aware. so yah i can tell you hav an underbite. but most people won't. go on and live your life. coming to sites like this is a sure way to make yourself a mental wreck. you won't listen to me but stop it now. if you decide you want the surgery, theyn get the top moved lefort not the bottom moved back. now there's nothing else to discuss. if it bothers you that much, consult with at least 3 surgeons and make a decision, stop torturing yourself. looks wise it's not a problem right now.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #19 on: December 20, 2014, 05:04:16 PM »
if it bothers you that much, consult with at least 3 surgeons and make a decision, stop torturing yourself. looks wise it's not a problem right now.

It may be in 5-10 years. 

OP, while you can have this operation at any age (we have here someone who had double jaw surgery @61), the younger you are, the smoother the recovery.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #20 on: December 20, 2014, 05:05:04 PM »
here a pic from today

Post pics of yourself smiling - front and profile.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2014, 01:21:02 AM »
I honestly can't tell too much that you have a underbite but, I do notice your nose tip and the nasolabial angle to be acute. 

I had the same issue and I wasn't keen on getting the Lefort 1 and thought I could live with my bite as is and went with the option of a premaxillary implant and a nose job.  It did wonders for me and completely masked the exterior but, my smile was was off and now I'm considering getting the Lefort 1 to fix my bite and my retruded nasal base and maxilla (masking it didn't solve the underlying issue, though the exterior looks very good).  The face and structure is always changing so, you have the option to mask it (like I did) or go the invasive route to possibly fix it and come out looking better *crosses fingers*. 

The headgear you most likely had to wear was to pull the upper jaw/maxilla forward but, the problem with it is that without proper oral posture and continuing the use of the headgear, it will go back.  Oddly enough, breathing through your mouth, having poor posture and limited chewing causes the maxilla to tilt downwards over time.  I've been treating myself with proper tongue posture and tried to do more chewing and it's already done a pretty good job of pulling my maxilla forward and helped my bite too; keep in mind I've been doing this for a year.

Best of luck to you.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 01:50:17 AM by brewer44 »


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2014, 10:41:37 AM »
which mask and you did it by yourself?


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2014, 09:56:59 PM »
Here are my concerns: FIRST DO NOT UNDER ANY CONDITION GET THE LOWER JAW MOVED BACK! THis will make your whole face look flatter. You need the upper jaw moved forward. It will create more space in your mouth too, not less. Do not have any teeth etc. removed (except wisdom teeth).

Word.  Moving the lower jaw back decreases the airway.  The tongue is also attached to the lower jaw, so if it's moved back you may end up snoring if you didn't before.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2014, 09:59:19 PM »
You're lucky in the sense that the upper part of your face looks really good, but there is definitely a noticable discrepancy between your jaws.

QFT!  Many class IIIs have their entire mid faces recessed - from eyeballs down.  A standard Le Fort I can improve the situation, but never truly fix it.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2014, 05:32:44 AM »
yeah maybe I was lucky in that case. yesterday I also had talks with two docs. They also said hmm to be honest we dont see that much difference in your face compared to others. wtf is going on. either they are lying or they dont wanna speak out the truth


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2014, 04:35:59 AM »
yeah maybe I was lucky in that case. yesterday I also had talks with two docs. They also said hmm to be honest we dont see that much difference in your face compared to others. wtf is going on. either they are lying or they dont wanna speak out the truth

Lose a ton of weight.  If you look really hideous - you're recessed and need surgery.

Do these doctors know about your haemophilia beforehand?  This fact could be biasing them heavily.  Try bringing it up at the end of the consultation.

You have to bear in mind that a lot of maxillofacial surgeons are mostly oral surgeons and spend most of their time pulling wisdom teeth and doing dental implants.  They may simply be afraid of non-trivial jaw surgery.

Again, try seeing a max fac surgeon who does a lot of paediatric craniofacial surgeries (cleft lip, Apert, Crouzon, etc).  These guys are not afraid of anything.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2014, 06:12:23 AM »
in germany if you want to be a malox... surgeon you have to study medicine and over the top you have to study dental medicine so two faculties. I was at one of the best surgeons nationwide. prof. dr. dr. al-nawas chief doc at the of the university of mainz. btw both docs knew about my hawmophilia


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2014, 06:29:37 AM »
Think about other alternatives - aesthetic surgery instead of bimaxillary surgery.

A bimax surgery - or single jaw for that matter - is fraught with risks and you may end up looking worse instead of better after it (this is what happened to me, although I had the s**ttiest surgeon you can imagine).

I agree that your upper/upper-mid face looks great. You do NOT want to compromise that with a bimax surgery.

By aesthetic surgery I mean something that will not move the tooth-bearing segments either of your maxilla or mandible.

For example, this implant in the maxilla is a great camouflage technique that may work great for you (balance somewhat the jaws without having to move the lower part of the jaw).
It's not ideal, I know. But it may be worth considering. If you are implant adverse, there are doctors in Germany who use bone grafts in the same place (e.g. Dr Zarrinbal told me he uses a rib graft (a small bone from your rib cage) to build up your pre-maxilla for a better profile.

Overall, you look VERY good. We all (even very good looking people) look bad under certain light and in certain pictures.


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Re: Male 28 underbite OPINION needed
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2014, 01:44:14 PM »
tha ks falcao for the link. appreciate. i am aware of dr zarnibal. he is in berlin, right?! well I will check this out. since I am intonthis topic i am more critical with myself. i see my profile worse than it is. obviously i am a realist and i know that it is not a proper profile, but insee it more severe. the doc told me that this psychological "issue" a lot of ppl have when thinking about their own profile if the case is given when jaws arw nor appropriate. well...yesterday I had a talk with a neurosurgeon who also is in charge of hannover 96 players (league 1 german football team) who said I also cant see rhat much to be honest. he is the husband of my cousine. well lets see....Inwannanpush it away for a couple of weeks from my mind. maybe that helps, but appreciate all your feedbacks and more is welcome