Author Topic: Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?  (Read 9091 times)


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Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?
« on: December 19, 2014, 01:53:14 AM »
Wondering if the Lefort 1 would be a viable option to push my nose base out and forward?  My bite is good and I have straight teeth with a nice jawline.  I was told by a surgeon that I have good bone structure and cheeks other than a slightly flat maxilla and a deep rooted nose.  Also, I wanted more of my teeth to show, I have some-what of a deep set or shallow smile.  I contemplated implants but, the premaxilla would lift everything but not address my deep set smile.  I want to move my nose base and my teeth forward and up.
Anyhow, would it be possible to get a Lefort 1 first to see how much improvement I get and then possibly getting the Lefort 2?  If I get the Lefort 1 and then the Lefort 2, would I have to redo the upper and lower jaw?  Thanks.


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Re: Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2014, 11:22:47 PM »
This site is getting overrun with people with massive BDD. This is a jaw surgery site. LOL NO SURGEON WOULD DO A LEFORT II for the reasons you suggest. Seriously, see a psychiatrist.


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Re: Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2014, 05:43:16 AM »


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Re: Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2014, 12:41:38 PM »

buddy these are serious operations go consult with at least three surgeons. you're wasting your time asking questions like this on the board. you can't just get a lefort 1 and then a lefort 2. Do you even have any idea as to the cost and preparation of these procedures or which doctors can perform them? Moreover, if your bite is perfect you'd have to have the lower jaw moved too to match the upper movement.


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Re: Lefort 1 & Lefort 2 Cosmetic purpose?
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2014, 01:35:22 AM »
You probably have lateral facial growth.  Those that have good horizontal facial growth tend to not have a flat maxilla with a projected, wide smile.  I've met with Dr. Mew and Dr. Hang and discussed the development of the flat v. projected face.  If you'd like more info. on this, you can PM me.

Anyhow, if you have a good bite and a good jawline, etc. with the exception of the flat maxilla and nasal base I'm sure a premaxillary implant would do the job.  But, you mentioned that your smile is deep inside of the face which the implant will not fix- for sure.  If it were me, I would discuss my options to see if I'm a good candidate for the Lefort 1.  I think the Lefort 1 in conjunction with some implants would looks very nice and fix your smile.  I know a few people who have had the Lefort 1 for cosmetic reasons and came out looking like a million bucks! But, I definitely don't condone you go and get this surgery done because it is a big deal and it's not 100% guaranteed that you'll come out with the good bite you went in with or if you'll come out looking better; you might just get something worse out of it.  The best thing to do is to discuss your plans with a board certified surgeon and then pick the best option for yourself.

As for the Lefort 2-  I only know of two people that has had the surgery and one was for cosmetic reasons (more or less) and the other- to fix a bad bite.  Both have remarkable results.
The friend that had it for cosmetic reasons did it for the same reasons as you've stated.  I'm not sure of the specifics but, I recall her saying that they did it in two pieces.  Her maxilla, teeth, nose all were advanced forward and she's absolutely gorgeous now.  The friend that had it for the bad bite had the same results.  I literally couldn't recognize them until I heard their voices. 
It's definitely a powerful procedure that gives you a lot of change.  They both had it done at a specialized hospital in Korea.

I urge you to do a lot of research and be practical about your want/outcome. 

Best of luck to you!