You appear to have maxillo-mandibular recession so while your lower jaw is the primary site of your recession, your upper jaw appears slightly recessed too which sort of makes class 2 bite/profile less obvious. I have no doubt your bite is good in that your teeth are straight with a normalish overbite/jet but in actuality it's been compensated via braces. This compensation can happen naturally too but either way it covers up the severity of a person jaw issues and that's sometimes it's fine. Other times however it leaves the person with significant aesthetic and/or functional issues since their jaw abnormalities weren't corrected.
If you elect to have jaw surgery, you would get braces again to undo what your previous ortho did, this is called decomposition. Not only does this reveal the extent of your bite/skeletal deformity but it also allows the surgeon to put your jaws in the correct place without your compensated teeth getting in the way.
It's also possible your recession is isolated to just your lower jaw so a single surgery (mandibular advancement with maybe a sliding genioplasty for chin lengthening I'm guessing) could be sufficient. If not, you would require double jaw surgery. It's hard to tell if your occlusal plane is excessively flat or steep so I can't say if you'll need much occlusal alteration.
If you can prove your sleep apnea is severe enough, depending on insurance they may cover part or all of the surgery however you may have to go with doctor in-network. Which may sucks because there are tons of crappy doctors out there and it's essential you find a surgeon who has the best surgical plan for you but also you feel the most comfortable with.
You appear to be attractive though despite your jaw issues so I would think hard about going forward with surgery, there's more risk and suffering than some people are led to believe even though the results can be worth it.