Author Topic: If one can't get a mod-lefort III, would other options be better than nothing?  (Read 12114 times)


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but i'm writing about ZSSO
I don't know what you're talking about.


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geijtsu: read some last posts in Lefort 2 / 3 thread


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That is true but, I've seen a lot of lasting and nice results from it too.  I def. think the Koreans have it down.  If I decide to go the "not so invasive" route, I'll be getting it done.

Not too bad for fat, I suppose.  I like how it turned out under the eyes and her browridge. She went from an egg head to having some shape.

I see a lot of make up in the after.


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implants suck because soft tissue might not sit properly, not to mention the rejection you body will make. Implants are not bio-compatible,so 10 years down the line you'll probably have bone loss, scar tissue, plus who knows what else. Plus I heard that If the implants are near the orbital rim, the risks stay the same.


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implants suck because soft tissue might not sit properly, not to mention the rejection you body will make. Implants are not bio-compatible,so 10 years down the line you'll probably have bone loss, scar tissue, plus who knows what else. Plus I heard that If the implants are near the orbital rim, the risks stay the same.

I know some people who had midface implants for 15+ years with no problems whatsoever, and they're still happy with the results.


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I know some people who had midface implants for 15+ years with no problems whatsoever, and they're still happy with the results.

What kind of material?  Who were the surgeons?


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What kind of material?  Who were the surgeons?
don't know the surgeons but the material is silicon. One of them was a custom carved implant who had it since the mid to late 90s.


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something what gives picture of malar advanced osteotomies regardless it's syndromic or nonsydromic patient
It's not a fun.

dr Koudstaal
« Last Edit: February 14, 2015, 05:52:45 AM by Rico :) »


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Combined Le Fort III and Le Fort I in America

EDIT:  LFIII must be a Texan thing.


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Combined Le Fort III and Le Fort I in America

EDIT:  LFIII must be a Texan thing.

I tried consulting with Schmidt but called it off because he said he will not review photos or pics before a consult. only in person


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If you're looking into augmenting your cheekbones then customized implants would be a far more predictable, and less invasive route than having a lefort/modified lefort III.

What are exactly your main problem areas?

From "Craniomaxillofacial Reconstructive and Corrective Bone Surgery":

Advantages and Disadvantages
The advantages of a midface osteotomy technique is that the results are more predictable than alternative choices. Alloplast placed in this region can become displaced. Onlay grafts re- sorb and remodel in an unpredictable fashion.
The greatest disadvantages are the time necessary to plan the case (models, etc.) and time of the surgical procedure.

Of course, another max fac textbook poo-poos Le Forts other than Le Fort I "we've done them all, but why bother, when when we now have such wonderful implants!"

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wow so much cutting going on in the face, kind of scary lol. But if some were to have this, it'd create a big difference in apperance. I've also noticed on friends that their zygo/upper maxilla have good forward and side projection, which makes them good looking.

Also regarding implants I think anything except done movement wont look as good, plus these something foreign in your face for the rest of your life. Maybe in the future, they'll have an implant or substance that you can mold that will be 100% compatible with out real bone.

I've found this, not sure If anyone here has heard of it. Supposedly its the most bio-compatible substance that we can use compared to real bone.