Author Topic: Sliding Genioplasty Journey with Dr. Gunson  (Read 59401 times)


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2015, 10:53:07 PM »
I think a SG is enough tbh, your jaw, if it is recessed, is most likely very very minor.

also just to make sure, when he recommend, Arnett, Wolford, Wittenberg, and Posnick, was this recommendation for SG only or regular jaw surgery as well?


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2015, 07:18:07 AM »
^ Thank you!!

My question was "who do you think are the best surgeons in your field? like who are considered "THE BEST"/most respected?" I added - who else should I consult with based on their work/experience.

He said that Arnett and Wolford are highly respected world wide and are at the top. He has seen good photos of Wittenberg's work. Posnick is also highly respected and known.

Separately Reyneke from South Africa is his mentor and is also highly respected in the orthognathic field and has published a lot. He spent time in SA with Reyneke from my understanding.

Overall our conversation was about SG - but I was asking who were the best in his field which is orthognathic surgery which would encompass both SG and Jaw surgery I believe.

Have you consulted or had surgery with any of these surgeons ?? Thanks!!


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2015, 11:00:30 AM »
thanks and no Im still trying to decide between surgeons/orthodontists/ do some consultations with surgeons in the states (im from toronto)


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2015, 11:37:37 AM »
No way!! I'm also from Toronto!!! Have you consulted with anyone in the city? I am pretty sure i'll go in the states. You should look into the surgeons he told me about for sure. Anyways !! Best of luck :) Let me know how your consults go !! I'd love to compare notes :)


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2015, 02:52:05 PM »
No way!! I'm also from Toronto!!! Have you consulted with anyone in the city? I am pretty sure i'll go in the states. You should look into the surgeons he told me about for sure. Anyways !! Best of luck :) Let me know how your consults go !! I'd love to compare notes :)

no not yet. I've seen a s**t load of orthodontists but no surgeons yet. Cresent Oral Surgery is supposedly the best in t.o, from what I've heard. Im getting upper/lower jaw surgery though, I'm trying to find the best people out there so Im taking my time. I'll keep everyone here posted once things start picking up.

My problem is I dont feel like surgerons in toronto are as good as others in the states/europe. Its covered under OHIP so i feel like surgeons wont care as much since youre not paying out of pocket. if that makes sense.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2015, 03:37:19 PM »
no not yet. I've seen a s**t load of orthodontists but no surgeons yet. Cresent Oral Surgery is supposedly the best in t.o, from what I've heard. Im getting upper/lower jaw surgery though, I'm trying to find the best people out there so Im taking my time. I'll keep everyone here posted once things start picking up.

My problem is I dont feel like surgerons in toronto are as good as others in the states/europe. Its covered under OHIP so i feel like surgeons wont care as much since youre not paying out of pocket. if that makes sense.

I saw a few NHS UK results on the jawsurgeryblog that looked good.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #21 on: March 12, 2015, 05:17:22 PM »
Dr. Wittenberg does great work it seems. Although he has some lawsuits against him and bad reviews :s. I am still leaning towards Dr. Jamali at this point. He has good reviews, its not too far from Toronto, I have family in NYC to recover at.

This is a summary of where I am at. Let me know your thoughts!!


Dr. Majid Jamali
Located in NYC
Very nice and approachable



Dr. Larry Wolford

Dental Models

I am not sure about him as I can't find many real patient reviews on SG. His website work looks good though.


Dr. Arnett or Dr. Gunson

Arnett recommended that I speak with Gunson. Waiting to hear if he can do SG alone.

Dr. Wittenberg

No because of all of the lawsuits and bad reviews. Although- his online portfolio looks amazing. His portfolio has multiple surgeries so it is hard to see SG alone.


Dr. Posnick

Haven't really looked into him yet.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 05:45:28 PM by SGseeker »


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #22 on: March 12, 2015, 05:22:12 PM »
Not a good idea to publish prices in the open like this.  This stuff encourages doctors to lift their prices.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #23 on: March 12, 2015, 05:44:43 PM »
Ok! I will edit my post :) Thanks!!


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2015, 09:24:24 PM »
A further comment on sleep apnea. You may have it now or not, you don't know. You could develop it as you age. In that case, you might want jaw surgery to fix it later. Doing the SG now could mean having to redo it later. Better to get it all done at the same time if possible. Get a ceph and compare the numbers from it to those shown here. If they fall within the norms, then just get SG to fix the aesthetic problem. Otherwise, get a sleep study and consider double jaw surgery instead as the risks/recovery is better while younger. Most of us have a pretty good idea what the answer is going to be already based on the pictures alone but the exercise is just to convince yourself first ;) Some people are fine with CPAP, others pretty miserable.

Regarding your comments, Dr Wolford is an excellent surgeon. I found one patient online and he was very happy with his sleep apnea jaw surgery. He's a good choice for joint work too if you need it but get a 2nd (and even 3rd) opinion before going down that route first.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2015, 10:39:17 AM »
Thanks Molestrip!!! I am trying to get a Ceph done here in Toronto. Not sure how much it will cost out of pocket. Do you know the average price? Also how much does a sleep study cost roughly? and how do i go about getting one ?

Honestly - I dont think i have the courage to go through jaw surgery (even if it is only lower). It seems so hard!! I think all of the members on here who are considering/planning/recovering from it are super brave!! Maybe ill feel different if I need it. We will see :) Do you have any recommendations for surgeons performing sliding genioplasty?

Dr. Jamali recommened Dr. Wolford. It's just that I am trying to find real patients with photos that I can actually see to base my decision off of. I am only finding 1 or 2 for Wolford. Which isn't bad but it isn't compelling.

Thanks so much!


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2015, 10:53:35 AM »
Honestly - I dont think i have the courage to go through jaw surgery (even if it is only lower). It seems so hard!! I think all of the members on here who are considering/planning/recovering from it are super brave!!

Same here. I've also been looking at Sliding Genio as the most invasive I'm willing to get and just get 'camouflage' treatments that will improve the looks. Although I'm lucky that I don't actually need it since my breathing/sleeping etc. is fine. But full blown jaw surgery just has too many risks imo.

If you get a ceph it will be an eye opener though. Xrays almost tell the whole story.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2015, 11:53:58 AM »
Sleep apnea is no joke. It'll kill you faster than smoking. I know two prominent doctors who contemplated suicide before getting jaw surgery to fix it. My father in law - a skinny guy who runs 2mi every day - had a heart attack in his 40s. My aunt lost significant lung function by her 50s (despite sliding genio while younger). It's caused me hell. I'll repeat what one surgeon said: "at your age, we don't really worry about risks". The risks from jaw surgery are very minor, especially relative to a sliding genio. It is invasive and time consuming with a tough recovery but from meeting many people I can tell not as bad as the internet protrays it to be. Less painful than tonsil removal, according to Dr Li. This is a routine procedure at this point in the right hands and I'm very conservative. Read Sleep, Interrupted by Dr Park to understand the disorder better before casually dismissing it.

That being said, if you don't have sleep apnea and aren't at risk for it, then certainly don't do it! But your profile suggests that's not the case. Most of us will get sleep apnea at some point in our lives anyway (due to weight gain and muscle sagging), few will be diagnosed and treated. The only way for us to know is to see the ceph. The cost isn't much, a few hundred if not covered by insurance. An in lab sleep study is about $8k in the US but you can do an at home study for ~$400 from (they had a $100 special a few weeks ago). It won't tell you if you're at risk, just if you're already there.

Dr Wolford is very highly respected. He's aggressive with joint surgeries and that's irked some people. I met him and he's a very nice guy who clearly knows his stuff. There's pictures on his website, they're not so great IMO. The trouble with pictures is that it's very hard for a lay person without detailed records to judge their work. He's done thousands of cases over decades. He doesn't keep getting referrals because he's a bad surgeon. He doesn't need to market his services to get repeat business. He'll do it right but you don't need to go to him for a simple sliding genioplasty. He trains lots of students, call the office and ask for a referral to someone near you.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #28 on: March 24, 2015, 12:48:07 PM »
The reason why jaw surgery has such a bad rep on the internet is because of the type of people drawn to blog about it in the first place.  Bloggers by and large are drama queens to begin with.


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Re: Should I get a Sliding Genioplasty + My Consults and Questions!
« Reply #29 on: March 24, 2015, 12:52:48 PM »
The risks from jaw surgery are very minor, especially relative to a sliding genio

Not sure what you mean there, maybe I'm overthinking this statement.