Author Topic: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex  (Read 27266 times)

Gregor Samsa

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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2015, 11:36:12 AM »
This is bulls**t. How did Costanza get so many girlfriends?  ;D


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #31 on: May 04, 2015, 04:14:47 PM »
I experienced exactly the same as you did with guys when I was in high school, equivalent of. Difference is I never approached anyone, online or offline. From my experience, the guys - mostly rugby player types which I guess are the equivalent of US jocks - were a LOT worse than us girls. Even the things they said about my very pretty friends were vicious. I remember being told by one that I looked better in the dark, and that certainly wasn't the worst thing I heard.

In my case, being brought up in a snobby, provincial area had a lot to do with that type of attitude - where guys wouldn't even be friends with you if you weren't "pretty". When I left at 19, I made many (platonic) guy friends. One friend had the dreaded "long mid face" and was/is like those ugly Sluthate examples of "incels" they post. He was an entertainer and very outgoing - and there seemed to be an endless supply of VERY attractive women he dated and screwed around.

But in short, your experiences aren't as gender based as you believe them to be. I can assure you that there are women out there in their teens, 20s and beyond who are the same. When I read Sluthate - with the exception of the extreme Elliot Rodger type stuff - I recognised some of my old feelings from my teens. 

All I hear about from these boards is how men have it so hard and women have it so easy. That is bulls**t, because BOTH sexes who have aesthetic problems (and are acutely aware of it) miss those same milestones.   

I guess in fairness ugly people in general have it tough


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #32 on: May 04, 2015, 04:16:36 PM »
I guess in fairness ugly people in general have it tough

but earl after your various surgeries do you really feel ugly anymore? I mean to be crude haven't you at last gone from a 3 to a 7 at least?


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #33 on: May 04, 2015, 04:23:46 PM »
@ragirl brings up an interesting topic. It seems most of the people here have the fortune of figuring out that their looks are problematic. You know exactly what your problems are and what needs to be done to fix it. However, you weren't born with this knowledge. Growing up ugly affects your development and many people don't figure it out. That in turn leads to depression and can have a huge impact on life. When you're ugly you can easily learn the wrong lessons and never realize what's happened to you.

On an unrelated note, anyone else notice that Sandberg's husband died recently? She's pretty old but that's a mismatched couple for you. Looks like he was more attractive when they dated though.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #35 on: May 04, 2015, 05:51:09 PM »

but earl after your various surgeries do you really feel ugly anymore? I mean to be crude haven't you at last gone from a 3 to a 7 at least?

im just a better version of myself but still not attractive


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2015, 06:13:57 PM »


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2015, 05:24:38 AM »
im just a better version of myself but still not attractive

u wot m8 ? you had bsso, genio, neck lift and mod. LF3 and you still aren't attractive? I suppose you don't share your pics, but I'd love to see your before and afters. Can't you black out your eyes or something ? How tall are you ?


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #38 on: May 05, 2015, 12:35:34 PM »
you can't take any one element and use it as a barometer for attractiveness. As Ploskoplus said, it's the gestalt (the overall interrelationship of elements) and yes this includes personality. It's far more complex than you guys realize.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #39 on: May 05, 2015, 02:35:33 PM »
Plosko was referring to the PHYSICAL elements that make up the perception though.

yes i know, but there's something called "gestalt theory," and a gestalt is never static, it's always dynamic and in flux --this is what is a gestalt perception. And emotions are revealed through almost subconscious "microexpressions," that reveal things like insecurities and doubt and lack of confidence. Or alternatively friendliness and confidence and a compassionate kindness towards others. So I AM ADDING to plosko's definiition the dynamic aspect of personality revealing itself outwardly in everything from facial expression to posture to attitude.

Tumerican I like you. I've seen what you look like and THERE IS NO REASON IN HELL OR HEAVEN WHY YOU COULDN"T ATTRACT WOMEN given your current look.

I have a hunch you reveal a lot of your negativity in your posture and facial microexpressions when you interact with the opposite sex. Don't take it personally, only trying to help. These are things that can be changed.

You are somewhat of a "hard case newbie". You'll always come up with a justification why you CAN'T do something no matter what reasons people give you and no matter what surgeries you have there will always be something else your mind will erect as an obstacle to you achieving something. Meditation and Buddhism is the best way for you to change yourself into a more attractive person, not surgery.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #40 on: May 06, 2015, 11:23:22 AM »
This is ultimate statement. I wonder what are you doing on JSF then.

I'm not getting surgery to attract women you f**ktard. I regularly crush p*ssy. In fact I have two new dates just this week. With my funky braces smile and all. I'm doing SURGERY for sleep apnea, a misaligned bite and I'm interested in the aesthetic possibilities given my OWN ideals of what I'd like to look like.

you and Tumour are doing it because you think it's help you chance with chicks. Which is hilarious.

I'm recommending meditation because there's a small chance in hell it might help with your deranged thinking.

But you guys are just a pair of hard-case newbies who have no chance in hell. Go ahead, I want try and help you guys anymore. Get your surgeries and think it'll be the magic path to women instead of actually working on your personalities and how you relate to the opposite sex.

They wrote a song about you guys (or your future).




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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2015, 12:40:36 PM »
And please refrain from your random childish rage spurts, also use more proper language.

Why do you think he's getting so many dates! Confidence is massively attractive. And after 25-30, having a decent career too or just being a guy in general lol. I was just looking at a friend of mine from high school. He's 35, fat, and bald and he's engaged now. Other than a gummy smile, the girl he's engaged to is very pretty.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #42 on: May 06, 2015, 12:41:24 PM »
lmao @ some of the beef on these forums
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

had upper jaw surgery on 5th October 2015


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #43 on: May 06, 2015, 12:44:40 PM »
Not the most politically correct thing to say here but guys are a lot more shallow. Well, maybe just more traditionally shallow in that physical attractiveness matters more. Personally, I consider confidence and career to be just as shallow. I would say that there's one thing women do control though. Men don't like prudes. Most don't want to marry a slut but they all want a women who's his own personal slut, as a friend says.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2015, 01:24:54 PM »
Not the most politically correct thing to say here but guys are a lot more shallow. Well, maybe just more traditionally shallow in that physical attractiveness matters more. Personally, I consider confidence and career to be just as shallow. I would say that there's one thing women do control though. Men don't like prudes. Most don't want to marry a slut but they all want a women who's his own personal slut, as a friend says.

Once again Molestrip is on the money. You better be careful these days. Women are massive sluts. I know this one guy a medical doctor, good looking dating one of my female friends who is so dirty I wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole --she's been gangbanged by football teams and she's over the hill and just average looking --kinda good body and blonde though. And this guy is showering her with gifts, bought her a computer, apple watch everything. I mean I'm not his friend, but I'm like holy s**t, what a f**king AFC (average f**king chump). That's why older men like to date younger girls, less of that baggage, but you gotta always be careful. Do you due dilligence. Never make a (too) pretty girl your wife. I just date different girls though so I'm not committing to one just yet. I'm gonna pull a clooney and marry at like 50 to some hot and smart late twenties chick.