Author Topic: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex  (Read 27262 times)


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2015, 12:55:59 AM »
lmao at this thread. Obviously looks matter. When people say it doesnt, its PURE bulls**t. At the same time, if youre a weird f**king dude, some chicks might bang you only because of youre looks. Good luck finding some kind of long term relationship. I have a close friend whos can be a legit model, chicks check him out all the time, even dudes (true story). Yet hes only banged 2 chicks and has only had one girfriend. its because hes shy around women. Getting jaw surgery might sort of fix the aesthetic issue, but if youre f**ked in the head its not going to do anything.

also the harsh reality is this. Everything matter to a point. Height, body shape, frame and looks. Its a package. I dont care how good looking someone is, if they're 5'5 giving me orders, id smirk at then and tell the to f**k off.

molesrtip I  agree with 99% of the stuff you say but Men and women are equally shallow. If anything modern day women are MORE shallow. Sure, they're less shallow once they reach their 30's and want to marry some chump loser. Remember women can hide behind makeup and make themselves look 1-5 points higher. With men what you see if what you get.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 01:28:47 AM by terry947 »


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2015, 03:49:44 AM »
Lazlo actually believes in 'pua' (pick up), that speaks volumes (cos it's nonsense)
Having no facial flaws is the only way to get women

m o n e y
"Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”

had upper jaw surgery on 5th October 2015


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2015, 09:27:52 AM »
it's not just about females, but society and family attitude as well. I know how society treated me before I had this stupid facial fat loss and comparing to now, it's s**t. Same goes with females, same goes with family. You didn't experience this by yourself so you simply don't know what situation I am in. I was shocked how much personality and facial appearance are correlated and how much of emotional bounds are directly derived from face. This annihilated my confidence and well-being. And please refrain from your random childish rage spurts, also use more proper language.

For me, both my jaws are so recessed that it's difficult for me to express emotion in my face.  Even growing up people would ask me why I never smile.  When I do smile, it's very forced and awkward.   I had headgear + bicuspids + wisdom teeth extracted,  so I don't have the kind of bone support I was supposed to have.   

It absolutely effects the way people respond to you.   


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #48 on: May 07, 2015, 09:30:03 AM »
I just met a fat 65yo black guy at a bar last night. He told me he picked up a 26yo recently. I was floored.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #49 on: May 07, 2015, 10:11:49 AM »
I just met a fat 65yo black guy at a bar last night. He told me he picked up a 26yo recently. I was floored.

Happens all the time, especially in big cities like NYC or LA where people are more openminded and less programmed by societies norms. Honestly, it's almsot all personality. Oh, and you wanna know how my date last night went. Banged her on the second date. Totally hot chick that multiple guys were leering at while we were out for a walk and coffee. And guys, I've actually become FAT, like terrible body lately, this girl is 5'10 an inch taller than me and model skinny. I don't follow or practice PUA, I just use that terminology sometimes cause one of my brother's friends told me about it and I find it totally hilarious.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #50 on: May 07, 2015, 10:24:08 AM »
Lazlo if you're banging babes then you're most likely a good looking dude with just minor facial flaws.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #51 on: May 07, 2015, 11:13:56 AM »
Well, he did mention he was buying her a lot of stuff so a sugar daddy kind of relationship.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #52 on: May 07, 2015, 11:23:49 AM »
You guys are seriously confused about women.
Millimeters are miles on the face.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #53 on: May 07, 2015, 11:41:52 AM »
We have an administrator? And a newbie at that!

The whole premise of getting over social anxiety is recognition that everyone is always seriously confused. Ok maybe at some point you're only confused. You are confused, right? Otherwise, my whole world will come crashing down!


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #54 on: May 07, 2015, 11:57:41 AM »
Show me a happy man who could be recommended le fort 3 with a girlfriend

You mean a happy man, right? For every ugly guy there's an ugly girl. Problem is, ugly people don't want to date each other. That makes them unhappy. Ugly people want to date attractive people. Considering how hard surgery is, makes you wonder whether we should just funnel our research money into a pill that can turn off the intense desire to mate with attractive people.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #55 on: May 07, 2015, 12:04:34 PM »
Show me a man who could be recommended le fort 3 with a girlfriend

Me. I'll send you my pics if you promise to never share. But i'm not good looking trust me, and I dated a gorgeous girl for like 7 years through undergrad to grad school and then things really took off and I date a lot of very hot women. In fact there's one girl I'm gonna date on saturday who looks like taylor swift, not lying, she's so hot i'm quite nervous about it. But ultimately, the less you care, the better you'll do. You guys would be way to insecure emotionally and psychologically to even handle dating because you won't go out of your way to be relaxed, crack jokes, escalate physical intimacy. With the girl last night on our first date we were looking at furniture in this sort of hip store and at one point I just grabbed her waste and pulled her into me. I knew it was a risk, she could have slapped me or thought me pushy, but she let me and let me nuzzle her neck with my face. I'm sure I've been in situations where that type of thing has failed, but I don't look at failure as rejection, just an opportunity to learn and not to take it personally at all. That's the secret of a positive attitudd and I admit it's something I built up over years of practice. I wasn't always as good as I am now with girls. I lost my virginity veery late cause I was also very insecure at one point and with girls too. No dates throughout high-school or most of undergrad till i met my girlfriend. I've had maybe over a 100 girls and several girlfriends by now. Seriously, with you guys, it's your mental state holding you back. I'm living proof. Even ask Earl who has seen me, I'm not handsome, and I don't NEED a lefort 3, no non-syndrome patient does. I just want to maximize my aesthetics because of my OWN ideals. Anyway, I'm going to stop talking about this. Maybe when I was 20 I wouldn't have listened to this --but honestly I don't think I was ever as closeminded as you guys are.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #56 on: May 07, 2015, 12:19:20 PM »
I won't share them, I have no interest in doing so. But how do I contact you because apparently you can't be reached by pm?

I can now, no problem. I just had my settings on wrong.


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #57 on: May 07, 2015, 12:41:43 PM »
Me. I'll send you my pics if you promise to never share. But i'm not good looking trust me, and I dated a gorgeous girl for like 7 years through undergrad to grad school and then things really took off and I date a lot of very hot women. In fact there's one girl I'm gonna date on saturday who looks like taylor swift, not lying, she's so hot i'm quite nervous about it. But ultimately, the less you care, the better you'll do. You guys would be way to insecure emotionally and psychologically to even handle dating because you won't go out of your way to be relaxed, crack jokes, escalate physical intimacy. With the girl last night on our first date we were looking at furniture in this sort of hip store and at one point I just grabbed her waste and pulled her into me. I knew it was a risk, she could have slapped me or thought me pushy, but she let me and let me nuzzle her neck with my face. I'm sure I've been in situations where that type of thing has failed, but I don't look at failure as rejection, just an opportunity to learn and not to take it personally at all. That's the secret of a positive attitudd and I admit it's something I built up over years of practice. I wasn't always as good as I am now with girls. I lost my virginity veery late cause I was also very insecure at one point and with girls too. No dates throughout high-school or most of undergrad till i met my girlfriend. I've had maybe over a 100 girls and several girlfriends by now. Seriously, with you guys, it's your mental state holding you back. I'm living proof. Even ask Earl who has seen me, I'm not handsome, and I don't NEED a lefort 3, no non-syndrome patient does. I just want to maximize my aesthetics because of my OWN ideals. Anyway, I'm going to stop talking about this. Maybe when I was 20 I wouldn't have listened to this --but honestly I don't think I was ever as closeminded as you guys are.

I'd be curious to see your pics.  I shared mine on the private forum but took them down.  Don't want my pics all over the internet either. 

I didn't know how bad my case was until I started pursuing jaw surgery, but after looking at a lot of before and after pictures, and speaking with people on this forum.  I'm more recessed than 95% of adults that are pursuing jaw surgery... 


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #58 on: May 07, 2015, 01:56:31 PM »
sent to alue cause he was first on the ball. Alue, you can testify whatever your findings and analysis are here, pronto, now I'm curious!


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Re: OkCupid study on attractiveness by sex
« Reply #59 on: May 07, 2015, 01:57:36 PM »
Well, he did mention he was buying her a lot of stuff so a sugar daddy kind of relationship.

that wasn't me, that was someone, a chump in my books, that i was telling you about. You should never shower a girl with gifts it show weakness and insecurity. In fact get her to pay for dinner and things.