Author Topic: my face  (Read 5221 times)


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my face
« on: April 11, 2015, 07:10:22 AM »
I kind of hate my face, but i'm still really unsure of what I need done and how to fix it.
In the middle picture I feel I look more normal and OK looking, but i'm using my fingers to lift and slightly pull backwards the area near the corners of my mouth, and then using my other fingers to take up the slack higher up.

I don't know what procedure would give me this result, or what the actual problem is.
I have loads of possible thoughts, but I know there are some people here who know much more about this sort of stuff than me.

Some possibilities:
The results of having a fairly small chin/jaw? So lack of support for teh cheeks making my mouth area sag/heavy looking?
Something to do with my deep bite? (see my labiomental crease is quite clear?)
Maybe my jaws are too recessed so the flesh isn't as 'taut' as it should be?
SO I don't know if I need just braces? Or braces and jaw surgery? Or just an implant? Or a facelift?(I'm only in my 20's!) or a pre-jowel Chin  implant? ?
something else??

p.s -I've had similar concerns with my face when I was extremely young, and also when I was in extremely good shape, so I don't think it's a matter of losing weight.


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Re: my face
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2015, 04:25:25 PM »
Do you have a crossbite?


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Re: my face
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2015, 04:42:20 PM »
I have a uni-lateral crossbite, and an overbite I think


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Re: my face
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2015, 10:10:48 AM »
Any thoughts? Sometimes getting a strangers perspective is best.
Do you see what I am saying about the sagging mouth/jowel area?
Any thoughts on my chin?

What would you suggest I need doing?

ps - I read somewhere that braces alone can give a 'lift' to the face and help balance everything out, but i'm not sure if that's just marketing?
Since braces just move the teeth, i'm not sure how this would be possible.


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Re: my face
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2015, 03:47:57 PM »

Do you have a crossbite?
Unilateral crossbite and an overbite.
Why do you ask?

f**k braces they cant do s**t. f**k orthodontics in general, waste of f**king time.
My instincts tell me that braces wouldn't do anything to my face at all. Just straighten my teeth.
Orthodontics I think can be great for kids in terms of expansion etc, but once the bones have fused, i'm not so sure.

I think this 'heaviness' around the corners of my mouth is the main thing bothering me at the moment.
I'm surely too young for a facelift
I'm not sure what other procedure could 'lift' the area, though???


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Re: my face
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2015, 12:37:02 AM »
You do appear to have maxillary cant, possibly mandibular as well - im seeing some asymmetry there. Dunno about the heaviness, do you mean nasolabial folds? Can be a symptom of a recessed maxilla.
Have you spoken to a maxfac?

i guess it's hard for me to describe.
When I pull up the jowel area, my chin becomes defined. By 'heavy', I guess I mean the whole area from the corners of my lips looks like it's being pulled down by gravity, as if nothing is supporting it. Like an old person with no teeth, maybe? Or a baby?

I feel something is missing in the black 'quadrilateral I have drawn' - and more specifically, maybe in the yellow quadrilateral area I have drawn. I used to wonder about some sort of chin implant (with pre jowel extension) but the yellow area is actually where my teeth area, so i'm not sure whether a chin implant would actually help at all. I feel as though it;s my jaw being too recessed or too small or something.

Yellow dots on bottom picture are where I feel the area looks too concave. Again, I think this is due to my jaw/teeth being too far back

Being as though by simply pulling the skin around my jowel area upwards a little bit improves my face so much, I've been wondering if anything other than a facelift could give the same effect.

(and i've only seen an ortho who suggested braces alone. I just don't tihnk it'll help with anything other than making my teeth straight)

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Re: my face
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2015, 02:14:10 AM »
Have you consulted withy any maxillofacial surgeons?


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Re: my face
« Reply #7 on: April 13, 2015, 04:40:32 AM »
Have you consulted withy any maxillofacial surgeons?
No. Just 2 orthodontists. Neither felt my issues were serious enough to refer me to one.

Can you see the same issues that I see?


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Re: my face
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2015, 05:09:25 AM »
No. Just 2 orthodontists. Neither felt my issues were serious enough to refer me to one.

Can you see the same issues that I see?

The more progressive max facs may.  Bear in mind that most max facs hardly every do jaw surgery.  They mostly pull teeth and put in dental implants.  So you'd have to see one who actually does orthognathic surgery on the regular.  He will then refer you to his/her ortho of choice.

FWIW, I have this book

The basic tenet of the books is "f**k proportions, stretch that f**king skin".  The before and afters look good though.


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Re: my face
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2015, 02:32:28 PM »
lol funny. It's true about oral surgeons. How many volume shops are there in the US? I think it's about as low as I think it is. Maybe 10 pracatices? Still, probably 90%+ of jaw surgeries done every year are by low volume providers.

If I were to write a book it'd say, "f**k balance, make you look like everyone else". That's what I hate about sleep apnea surgeries. If they could move us 10cm with low risk, then current rationale would dictate that they do that. Fortunately, it's only 10mm so the aesthetic compromise is only a little so they do it rather than try and come up with a more predictive model. Make the airway look normal and don't distort the proportions too much. Building up your cheekbones isn't going to hide your monkey face nor is it going to bring your forehead forward. If it's bad enough, then you simply have to decide, airway problems or deformed. That's a s**t call to me and glad I'm not one of those cases.


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Re: my face
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2015, 08:20:41 PM »
Well if you have sleep apnea then just getting a simple CCW rotation will improve the airway by a lot and also improve aesthetics. Also ate you sure only 10mm is the max?


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Re: my face
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2015, 09:03:15 PM »
Yes, 10mm is the max movement that's considered stable. Even then, the relapse rate is still something like 15%. Not an expert but I get the impression they can do more with a bone graft. There's a woman recovering from a bimaxillary 20mm movement right now!


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Re: my face
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2015, 01:46:19 PM »
some more pics.
I keep reading about chin-wing surgery. Any good for someone with my face?
I think my mental labial fold suggests that my teeth/jaw are set too far back, though.
Large buccal corridors too. Is that just indicative of a small jaw? Maybe this is partly causing the 'sagging' that I speak  of? (lack of support to the cheeks giving me the look of joweing)

On ortho I spoke too mentioned maybe building up my back teeth along side braces.
I wonder how much (if any) astheitcal improvement i'd actually get from that, though.

Is my chin very small?/lacking projection too? (I guess if I was to have my jaw moved forward, they'd do a sliding Genio alongside it?)

Any other general thoughts? (if you want any other images, let me know)

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