First of all, I don't know if this is the right forum, so just delete this or move this post if I posted it at a wrong place.
Well, I'm 17, will turn 18 in 6 months exactly. I have really f'd up forehead, it so steep, my nose is huge, there's something wrong with the place between my mouth and nose, it's just like the forehead, but in the opposite direction. And then my jaw is also screwed up. I don't know what to get first, a nosejob? A jaw surgery? Or am I just hopeless? I have been so down these last months because of this and Everytime I look in the mirror or at me reflection outside, my self esteem just drops so bad... I did have braces for about two years to fix an overbite. I have posted some photos alongside, so please help me, is there any way I can fix this? If yes, then how?
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