Author Topic: My new underbite  (Read 3877 times)


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My new underbite
« on: February 25, 2013, 07:32:12 PM »
Hi all -

I've had an edge-to-edge bite my whole life, and now the orthodontist is giving me an underbite to prepare for surgery. It's very uncomfortable (I keep biting my tongue and the inside of my cheek) and of course I'm super self-conscious about it. Here are my pics. I had SARPE surgery last May and I will have the final surgery this May. My chin has always been prominent and now it is even more so.

visit my blog for my whole journey:

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Re: My new underbite
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 08:02:15 PM »
Coil springs (Picture attached) to bring my upper teeth back and regular braces to bring my lower teeth forward. The underbite is necessary to have the correct bite after surgery. My top teeth were flared out to meet my bottom teeth.

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