Whenever I see a great smile, the person always seems to have a similar 'look' from a kind od 3/4 profile look.
It's like their lower cheek area (the one furthest away from you) is hidden by their teeth/jaws.
As if the area is superglued to their lower gums on the inside.
I used to think it was just extra fat, but I often see overweight people with this effect, and skinny people without it.
Am I right in thinking that it's a matter of having jaws that are advanced/forward that causes this effect?
I've attached a pic to help explain.
The gorgeous girl has the backwards 'C' shape.
The guy (who is lean) has more of a 'C' shape, and you can see the flesh that is inbetween the apple of his cheeks and his chin.
On the far right, i've made it look similar to the girls.
What is causing the difference between them regarding this effect?
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