Author Topic: My results  (Read 16471 times)


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Re: My results
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2015, 02:39:20 AM »
looks like a good result to me.
Don't worry about appearing vain or anything. The fact is that most people on this forum are here because they want to be better looking.  It's annoying that people have to pretend that this isn't the case!

I'm jealous that you are aware of these issues at a fairly young age.
Like someone else mentioned before, I was so confused for years and didn't know anything about this type of stuff.
I always thought that the reason my face looked kind of soft and undefined was because I had too much fat in my face and I used to workout obsessively for 2 hours per day thinking it would give me a nice chin and cheekbones. No such luck! I got an impressice 6-pack, but my face looked largely the same.
I now know that my issue is to do with my bite/jaws. I think my jaws a slightly recessed. I have retroclined teeth. I also have a small chin. I tihnk all of these issues combined give me the look that I dislike about myself.
Still not sure of what my plan going forward is, though.

Could I maybe send you some pics of myself, OP? You seem quite clued up on all of this...


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Re: My results
« Reply #16 on: June 27, 2015, 02:56:40 AM »
Could I maybe send you some pics of myself, OP? You seem quite clued up on all of this...

Have you seen a surgeon about this?  Yes, you can have a perfect bite with recessed jaws, in which case both must be advanced.


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Re: My results
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2015, 03:29:51 AM »
Have you seen a surgeon about this?  Yes, you can have a perfect bite with recessed jaws, in which case both must be advanced.

Currently, i've only seen 2 orthodontists for a free consultation in my area.
Both said I have a deep bite and a unilateral cross bite.
One said that my jaws might be 'slightly' recessed but suggested that it probably wasn't bad enough to warrant surgery.
So my bite isn't very good and I'd need braces to fix it, but I don't think that doing so would actually fix my appearance. (other than make my teeth look better)
Problem is that i'm not 100% sure what I need done in order to make me look 'good'!
I don't know whether I need to see another ortho, or try to get referred to an orthagnathic surgeon, or whether I need to see a plastic surgeon or something?!!
I feel as though my face isn't getting enough support, perhaps due to my teeth and jaws.
Cheek area looks 'heavy' as though I need a facelift. (felt this way since I was about 12 lol)
Not much of a jawline. Chin blends into my neck too much etc.

I wish there were good alternatives to full on jaw surgery. Sometimes I see good improvements in people who have a mixture of other surgeries(chin, veneers,lipo etc), I guess to camouflage the actual issues in a clever way...


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Re: My results
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2015, 04:28:26 AM »
Currently, i've only seen 2 orthodontists for a free consultation in my area.
Both said I have a deep bite and a unilateral cross bite.
One said that my jaws might be 'slightly' recessed but suggested that it probably wasn't bad enough to warrant surgery.
You need to see an aesthetically minded maxillofacial surgeon.  One that you know for sure does A LOT of orthognathic surgeries, rather than just pull wisdom teeth.  Otherwise you're just speculating yourself into an early grave.


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Re: My results
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2015, 02:17:44 AM »
Like I said in another thread, your after result is very good. Tbh I feel like you look good but I can understand your desire to improve your looks (I do too). For what it's worth I'd say get a chin wing to improve the jaw angle and width.

Problem with side profile photos is that they don't necessarily represent how a person looks. If you took a 3/4  or a self portrait then we can give you better advice since you can properly see how you're facial features mesh together. Attraction IMO is facial harmony. Eye area being the most important.

All my friends who are good looking have sloping foreheads. For men this isn't a big deal. It's about good eye support. My best friend has close set eyes and girls constantly check him out. It's because he has nice eyes and cheekbones. His eyes aren't too big and they have good support. He would get p*ssy on the regular if he wasn't so shy.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 02:27:44 AM by terry947 »


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Re: My results
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2016, 06:26:12 AM »
your dorsal hump was fixed. Did you get any work done on it, or does moving the maxilla forward fix this issue?


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Re: My results
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2016, 11:43:54 PM »
Don't listen to the other people here. I'm the only real expert on these matters.

Your results look of the highest order. Absolutely wonderful results and they have completely balanced out your face to the degree that you indeed look very handsome/"hot". You should have no problems attracting girls based on your physical appearance alone. Don't worry many, many more people than you think are late bloomers and then take off from that point. You sound intelligent but a bit pretentious. That's okay, we're allowed to be when we're kids and below 25 is a kid in my books.

There is NOTHING that you need done now on your looks. Do you understand me? No chin-wing or forhead augmentation or anything. You have a beautiful profile and great features: i.e.. nosee etc. looks wonderful. You're male model material.

You don't have to behave like a "tough guy" but you do have to cultivate a fun-loving and confident personality to attract girls. But that can be defined across a broad spectrum. Remember it's also a game of probability. Right now you sound like you might come off as a bit of a creep with all this "ontological naturalism" and nihilism bulls**t you're always going on about. But please don't stop. I personally find it quite amusing. Intelligence is attractive but even more important is a sense of humour. No matter who you are you have to take your lumps. You have to fail and experience the rejection of failure many many times before you get good at anything and attracting girls is just such a skill even if you look like --i dunno pick any good looking guy. So go out there and build your bones (metaphorically speaking, you're finished with the literal part).

This x100

Is more surgery really worth a tiny perceived improvement? Is it worth the risks and healing time and money? Even if money were no obstacle and there was no risk involved, your result is awesome. I hope mine turns out as natural as yours looks from those photos. Be happy brother, you made it.


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Re: My results
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2016, 12:31:06 PM »
watch it people who are hurting my karma.

How do you get good karma?????
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(