Author Topic: I have a surgery set with a Military Surgeon?? Is this ok  (Read 2490 times)


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I have a surgery set with a Military Surgeon?? Is this ok
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:00:10 PM »
or, should I be looking for a non military doctor?  The surgeons at the facility do several cases per week, but how do you know if they are highly skilled.?  Will it be a intern learning on me>>??  Lower jaw only and small movement forward to correct my class II bite.  My braces have been on 7 months and Im 42 yrs old

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Re: I have a surgery set with a Military Surgeon?? Is this ok
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 07:13:08 PM »
or, should I be looking for a non military doctor?  The surgeons at the facility do several cases per week, but how do you know if they are highly skilled.?  Will it be a intern learning on me>>??  Lower jaw only and small movement forward to correct my class II bite.  My braces have been on 7 months and Im 42 yrs old

I think you'll be fine. Just make sure you meet your surgeon beforehand and discuss your expectations and ask him how many times he's worked on your sort of case. And make sure he's not an intern. You're quite pretty from what I can see of the lower half of your face! Beautiful smile!


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Re: I have a surgery set with a Military Surgeon?? Is this ok
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 12:07:36 PM »
Thanks for the reply and complement.  I don't have much of a function issue so its hard to decide.  I only started mouth breathing at night since the braces were put on.  I have already experienced nerve damage (implant placement and removal on a molar) and would not want to go through it again.  Is there less of a chance if I am not doing geneo and moving between 4-5mm?  I see my ortho next week and Im going to ask her if there are other options if I don't do this.  It would be nice for more symmetry but I really don't know how much or if this surgery will make a huge difference or not.