What did you have? A head transplant?!
Lol. It does look a bit Frankenstein-ish : )
Thank you for posting that. I had that much bruising after a round of cosmetic surgery and it freaked me out because I was not expecting it. It is helpful to know what to really expect. Happy healing!
Ugh, sorry you went through that much bruising too. Thanks for the well wishes!
That is impressive. I have not seen any other early post op pictures that looked anything like that.
Were you fully off of aspirin or other anti-coagulants before your surgery? That is a lot of blood to come up under the skin. Some serious trauma to those tissues.
Yeah, I've never seen any post-op pics quite this bad. Kinda crazy. Not on any aspirin or anything before surgery so not sure what happened, except that I have a tendency to bruise easily. My surgeon said I'm definitely more bruised and swollen than average. I'm on day 9 now and the bruising and swelling are looking better, but it's going to be awhile before things look normal.