Author Topic: 6 second stress reduction  (Read 4722 times)


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6 second stress reduction
« on: March 26, 2013, 07:34:52 AM »
something to try for tmj maybe?

The Quieting Reflex®
6 second stress reduction
developed by Charles Stroebel, MD, PhD
with modifications here by Bob Whitehouse, EdD

This 6 second technique, when practiced many times a day, will develop into a stress reducing habit.
The Quieting Reflex is designed to counter the STRESS ALARM Reflex in which up to 1700 physiological reactions occur in as little as 6 seconds in a big stress. We usually experience the Fight or Flight side of this, in which we orient or turn our head toward the perceived stress, tense our jaw, forehead, eyes, belly, arms, and other muscles. We hold our breath or breathe fast and up in our chest. In 1-2 seconds we get the adrenaline hit, heart rate initially slows then speeds if we perceive danger, we perspire, hands and feet chill, and our bowels and bladder shut down. We have lots of energy with which to then run or fight even though most of our daily stresses are not life threats so it is usually inappropriate to fight or run. If we don’t release this energy appropriately, we get exhausted and risk burnout, anger or anxiety.

Some people instead go into a Freeze response and have to bathroom immediately, or might get pale, dizzy, and numb out or pass out as their heart rate drops. This is a shut down response that typically comes when someone feels overwhelmed seeing no way out.  Depression follows.  Because the Stress Alarm happens so fast, even it’s not the full life threat reaction, if you wait for the reaction then try to remember to do the QR, you’ll forget and the stress reaction will escalate. To train yourself to have a 6 second QR reflex to counter the escalation of stress takes several months of daily practice many times a day starting with step 1. After this QR is well practiced, when you first start to stress, your body will automatically go into steps 2-6 in releasing the stress physiology without your having to think about it. So think of the first few months of practicing this many times a day (up to 150; that equals 150 x 6 sec = 900 sec = 15 minutes total time per day to master this).

Steps of the 6 sec QR
1. Notice what is bothering you, or, while practicing until the QR
becomes automatic, purposely think of a stress and tighten up
like you normally do in stress (push tongue up, tighten jaw,
forehead, shoulders, belly, and maybe arms) but only for about
2 seconds. (This simulates and starts the stress response.) Then
go to step 2 to keep it from progressing.

2. Smile inwardly with at least mouth and eyes. Think of
something heartwarming or amusing. (The smile starts
triggering endorphin release so counters the stress chemistry.)

3. Next think something like “Alert Mind, Calm Body”. (This
counters our negative stress thoughts that usually start with a
curse, which usually relates to body function and actually
stimulates more stress physiology.)

4. Take a nice easy breath in, during or after step 2 & 3.

5. As your breath goes back out, relax your forehead, eyes, jaw,
tongue, shoulders and belly, and let a wave of warmth and
relaxation flow down through your body to your hands and feet,
like the spreading warmth you feel after drinking some hot tea
or soup. (This wave of warmth comes easier after repeated
practice at relaxing. Instead of hot head and cold sweaty hands,
warm hands are a sign of being more relaxed and at ease.)

6. Return to normal activity.

All of these steps are done Eyes Open, and it only takes 6 seconds total, so practice at stop lights, in waiting rooms, in store check out lines, before answering phones, when walking through doors, top of the hour… This is such a subtle activity that no one will notice you doing it. Use reminder dots (on computer, dash board, phone, mirror, clicker) or sticky notes, watch chimes, pop up screens, an unusual object like new desk item or mug to catch your attention. Use any or all of these so you can remember to take 6 seconds to practice the QR until it becomes an automatic behavior, a Quieting Reflex that keeps stress from escalating.  Imagine how calmly handling stress is healthy and gives you an advantage!


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Re: 6 second stress reduction
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2013, 07:39:16 AM »
i cant think of anything heartwarming without it turning into something negative LOL


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Re: 6 second stress reduction
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2013, 07:44:06 AM »

is a book i have on tmj

i kinda glanced through it, im gonig to try reading more now and maybe doing some of the exercises.  i remember thinking it was kind of generalized but ties WHIPLASH which i def have tmj.  most people dont know there is a definite link between the two


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Re: 6 second stress reduction
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2013, 08:55:24 AM »

that looks REALLY comfy but its overpriced and i wouldnt want to carry around heating or ice packs on my jaw, some people complained that the additional packs made their jaw feel even heavier

i wonder if you could wear it post-op


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Re: 6 second stress reduction
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2013, 07:51:07 PM »
In english, The only time when your tongue should hit your front teeth is when making "th" sound