Author Topic: Ortho interesting experience  (Read 1541 times)


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Ortho interesting experience
« on: January 26, 2016, 12:36:53 AM »
Hello everyone, I would like to share with you my orthodontic experience and my current situation, it has been very interesting..
I never had a surgery and I'm considering what to do, because I'm understanding how important is to have the teeth in place.
(I believe that facial muscle can do wonders anyway), I have been in cure for a class 2 malocclusion, and the very quick result of that is a retruded maxilla,
the ortho cure has been: avancing the lower jaw and regressin my upper teeth to match that lower jaw ( -__-')..
problems came in the final part of this treatment: I started having sleep problem,
they worsened to the point I couldn't sleep at all at night,
time passed by... took a retainer.. in that time I started doing research about teeth/maxilla/ortho and everything of which I didn't know a thing before....
Here comes the interesting part!.. because of the thought of my teeth being too back I gave up my retainer use for a while and
actually this is what happened: I slept better, I sparingly used the retainer again for the fear of having crooked teeth: 1/2 days of using and again couldn't sleep. Coincidence? (it happened more then once)
So i completely gave up the retainer use for months and finally I started sleeping the whole night.. even more interesting now is this..
my teeth started moving forward because of the toungue muscle, and now I have the evidence of it..
if I try to wear my old retainer it's difficult to wear it and my front teeth hurts in a way that I can feel the inward force.
I suggest you guys not to use your retainer if it pulls inward and you have some maxilla problem, every case is different thought.. just analize your situation.
I do believe that bones are malleable even in adults, and I'm very confident that the maxilla can be advanced even without surgery.. I have the evidence that the toungue can make space from itself in a very little time, let's imagine what an headgear could do!..


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Re: Ortho interesting experience
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 07:31:36 AM »
This makes a lot of sense. Honestly what is the point of even having straight teeth when it f**ks up every other aspect of your life AND makes you look worse. Orthos as scum.


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Re: Ortho interesting experience
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 09:12:57 AM »
My uncle had non-extraction orthodontic treatment  in his 40s.  He had just straightening teeth, not any kind of skeletal expansion. What happened was that after 5 years of struggling with braces, women start to check him out very often. It's hard to spot what exactly changed, because it's very subtle, but I think symmetry improved vastly. It could be that his cheekbones are more prominent as well, but I don't believe much in this. He didn't have weight fluctuation, he was always lean, he doesn't do sport, he didn't change life style, he doesn't smoke and drink. I put my bets on symmetry improvement.


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Re: Ortho interesting experience
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2016, 09:33:18 AM »
This makes a lot of sense. Honestly what is the point of even having straight teeth when it f**ks up every other aspect of your life AND makes you look worse. Orthos as scum.
Cannot agree more with you..

My uncle had non-extraction orthodontic treatment  in his 40s.  He had just straightening teeth, not any kind of skeletal expansion. What happened was that after 5 years of struggling with braces, women start to check him out very often. It's hard to spot what exactly changed, because it's very subtle, but I think symmetry improved vastly. It could be that his cheekbones are more prominent as well, but I don't believe much in this. He didn't have weight fluctuation, he was always lean, he doesn't do sport, he didn't change life style, he doesn't smoke and drink. I put my bets on symmetry improvement.
Well, if he already had a good skeletal developement, maybe he just didn't need too much change, straight teeth are more attractive in an attractive face, if the treatment doesn't impact negatively the image making the maxilla recessed.., if he did a non-impacting treatment could it be that just the straight teeth made him more attractive?.. I think he could have been under a slight palatal expansion at least for enhancing arch space, did he?.


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Re: Ortho interesting experience
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2016, 10:52:22 AM »

Well, if he already had a good skeletal developement, maybe he just didn't need too much change, straight teeth are more attractive in an attractive face, if the treatment doesn't impact negatively the image making the maxilla recessed.., if he did a non-impacting treatment could it be that just the straight teeth made him more attractive?.. I think he could have been under a slight palatal expansion at least for enhancing arch space, did he?.

it's not about the teeth, but about the face. He isn't smilling while walking around and yes, he likely had a good structure, just distorted (asymmetry). The success could be due slight expansion, but I personally believe in symmetry improvement since his midface doesn't look twisted anymore. It's subtle change, but apparently enough to change perception.