Author Topic: Angry extractions braces surgery.  (Read 4184 times)


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Angry extractions braces surgery.
« on: February 09, 2016, 08:13:40 PM »
I've talked to my mum about my braces i had as a child. She has told me a big surprise, she said my front teeth where protruding which is hard to believe because after treatment i endend up class 3. I think i had very little crowding in my upper arch so the extraction sites where closed by retracting my upper and lower teeth, i had extractions on the bottom too. The guy that did my treatment is a butcher and he set in action a future of misery for me. I'm just angry that I've lost my looks and health, my life, through this treatment. I don't feel like who i look like, this little guy, see picture ended up needing jaw surgery, which has stolen anything good that still remained about my structure.


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Re: Angry extractions braces surgery.
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 08:30:17 PM »
This is me at 14 years old, before invasive braces treatment began a happy kid. I've always thought I was class 3 and had crowding in my upper jaw so that extractions of bicuspid would have left no gaps, as I've just meet my mum again after many years absence I'm finding out that this was not the case, there would have been 8mm gaps left by removal of my bicuspid teeth these where closed by retraction which has destroyed my smile and given me a pointy chin and just generally recessed smile look.

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Re: Angry extractions braces surgery.
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2016, 11:27:56 PM »
That must not feel very good.  Know that there are many of us here who've been through the same or similar circumstances and are here at least partially due to prior orthodontics.  Life is certainly not fair in almost all regards.  The good news is you are on a forum where others can support you, but more importantly, help you understand your current issues and ways to fix them to the best possible extent they can be fixed. 

Anger is a normal and necessary part of the healing process.  Now how will you use it?  You can play the victim or do something about it.

I recently read about some little African boys who got their penises cut off.  They will never get to experience the pleasure of having sex.  That kind of put things into perspective for me.  While there may be about a million hoops to jump through, I can at least fix my issues to a satisfactory result.


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Re: Angry extractions braces surgery.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2016, 04:41:17 PM »
Thanks man, i was just feeling a bit low my situation is far from the worst. I look at the old photos and remember the happiness of my childhood, and look for reasons why things have changed so much, which could be for many reasons in the end. Your not wrong about the hoops


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Re: Angry extractions braces surgery.
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2016, 04:49:18 PM »
Wow you were an extremely good looking kid! Very masculine/jock like look with a great proportion to your face. I would VERY much like to see how you look now, pm me, I am in the same boat (welcome to club) and Im pursuing surgery to fix this, so pm me with pics or here and I can advise you from what I know.