From the 3/4 I can't see that the position of his cheekbones have moved at all, it looks like the maxilla has been brought forward or augmented.
If his goal was to have a softer looking appearance then he has succeeded but if I agreed to have malar osteotomy then I would be seeking the complete opposite, more concave modelesque cheeks.
Sailer's red haired Lady certainly looks unnatural yes but he has the right idea with the angular shapes he has tried to create.
I don't like that guy's results either, undereye flatness is good in males (flatness not recession)
In fact, most of his changes weren't good I'm sorry to say. once again we see the contours of his face washed out from 3/4ths, the philtrum got longer (could've been from the rhinoplasty but all the same), maxilla looks too projected now, orbital rims look unimproved
He had a distinctive good look before, then he became kind of a bland average joe imo, I think the nose change was the biggest reason for it. Amazing how the contour was still lost in spite of the cheekbones being brought out. I'm not sure the Quad Lefort would help much with this either cause it's the zygomatic bone that provides the projection from 3/4ths, and it is untouched by the Quad Lefort
Do you guys think his maxilla was overadvanced? I don't think it should be passing the forehead from profile view...