General Category > Aesthetics

Cosmetic Jaw surgery

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Are there any surgeons who would preform jaw surgery if you have a regular bite, and dentist and ortho both say you don't need it? I made the mistake of getting braces to help correct a slight crossbite that developed after my teeth shifted from getting a tooth pulled. I did the implant, then about a year later decided to get braces again to straighten my teeth. I contemplated jaw surgery before, but never felt like I really needed it until now. Both jaws seem to have been set back. Not sure if this is due to braces. I have had braces for about 2 1/2 years now. And almost finished with the contract and my bite and face seems to have gotten worse! My ortho straightened my "midline" and thats all he seems to be focused on. I have no lip support. My face feels short. I feel like I have the mouth of a very old lady. I hate my smile, my chubby cheeks, and thin lips. I know I have TMJ problems, lock jaw (which was the begining of all my dental problems), I grind my teeth, and my bite is/seems crooked. Would a surgeon be willing to take the risk since I'm not a Class II or Class III patient? My ortho and dentist are only focused on my teeth which for the most part are Class I in their eyes. But my smile is crooked. Worse then before, and I don't want to get my braces taken off and have all that money I spent go down the drain. I am really depressed because of this. Its almost like surgery, or death. Im sure many of you can relate.

Pictures: front, profile, serious, smiling. Block out your eyes if you want to.

For your age your tooth show is poor. Whether it's because you have a long upper lip or short face syndrome, it's hard to tell without a profile photo and lateral ceph. I think you have a maxillary cant too. Surgeons do operate in such cases - advancing both jaws horizontally, possibly downgrafting the upper jaw.

Thank you!! I have reasurance that its not just me and I dont have BDD. No one thinks anything is wrong and its frustrating me to the point of tears. I do think I have short face syndrome. I always leave my mouth slightly open to make up for it and push my lips out with my tongue, and I look normal. But when I smile, or clench my teeth together, ugh. I am so envious of people with nice big smiles. Anyways sorry for ranting I just called Arnett and Gunson today for a consult and found out they are booked for the year so Im kind of frustrated. I figure if anyone would operate on me, it would probably be them. Is it hard to find anyone who works on non-functional issues?

Arnett no longer operates. Only gunson. They can do a paper consult for you -  send them a ceph, quality photos of your face, bite, cast bite impressions and they will send you a surgical plan.


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