I had my consultation with a surgeon and my orthodontist. I've never had braces since my teeth were straight. After my 18Th birthday (maybe even before that) my wisdom teeth started growing and my teeth started getting a little bit crooked (my left fronth tooth is moving a little forward). I've always had a gummy smile and a lip incompetence. I never knew I could fix it until I started researching. So now the surgeon said he Will impact my upper teeth (a little more in the back than in the fronth), but I thought that was for an open bite? I don't have an open bite. Plus he was going to bring my lower jaw a little forward (that ok, because of my overbite). But I don't undersand why he said he was going to impact the back of my teeth more than the fronth. Does anyone have a clue what he's on about? (the moment I was there I didn't worry about this because he was so sure that that was right in my case)
Have are my pictures:

- gummy smile

- gummy smile

- lip incompetence

- biting down

- biting down from the side (teeth showing)

- biting down from the side (no teeth showing)
I have 10mm of gummy smile showing, my surgeon said he can bring it down to 4mm of gum showing and no less. I'm also thinking of getting my crowns lengthened after surgery (I will see then how much the gummy smile bothers me).
What do you think, will I look much better when this is all done. I do hope I can close my mouth but the gummy smile is the reason for me thinking I need this operation. My insurance is covering everything except braces (which I will probably get in 1-2months).