Author Topic: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!  (Read 20629 times)


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #61 on: August 04, 2016, 07:15:38 PM »
oh man... i commend you for doing the fermented cod liver oil daily. ive kept some pretty unpalatable health routines like triphala, apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut juice every morning but i just couldnt do the fermented cod liver oil. do you just pop a spoonful into your mouth? i couldn't handle the big dollop of fishy goop sitting in my mouth until it melted enough to swallow.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #62 on: August 04, 2016, 10:42:43 PM »
oh man... i commend you for doing the fermented cod liver oil daily. ive kept some pretty unpalatable health routines like triphala, apple cider vinegar and sauerkraut juice every morning but i just couldnt do the fermented cod liver oil. do you just pop a spoonful into your mouth? i couldn't handle the big dollop of fishy goop sitting in my mouth until it melted enough to swallow.

its really easy, i keep it in the fridge so it's quite hard like playdow, scoop a spoon out, have a glass of water ready andd then rapidly drink it down with a glass of water. I don't actually taste it at ANY point.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #63 on: August 05, 2016, 05:05:08 AM »
what's this about??? i NEED these health tips! lazlo! shame on you! ENLIGHTEN ME!!!


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #64 on: August 05, 2016, 09:34:01 AM »
what's this about??? i NEED these health tips! lazlo! shame on you! ENLIGHTEN ME!!!

fermented cod liver oil mixed with "butter oil" (basically ghee but unlike ghee it is not heated but mixed with centrifuge to get all the best fat from the milk of organic grass fed cows). It tastes awful but who cares.

It is full of this mythical supplement called Vitamin K which is super important for all sorts of brain health, heart health, mental and physical constitution. And the fermented cod livver oil is like full of high quality absorbable K also and Vitaman D. Something about the combo of the two creates a synnergistic catalyst effect.

I'm not one for supplements and naturopathic bulls**t but this was covered by Tim Ferriss and part of his own daily regimen. Take a tablespoon each morning. jUst swallow it. If you take it morning and night plus add 5 brazill nuts and the night before a large stake with several eggs it makes you into one of the most harcore performing sex machines as within a 24 hour cycle your testosterione will be naturally boosted considerably.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #65 on: August 05, 2016, 09:34:57 AM »
i've found the only way to ensure quality is to buy from this company:


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #66 on: August 05, 2016, 09:45:54 AM »
fermented cod liver oil mixed with "butter oil" (basically ghee but unlike ghee it is not heated but mixed with centrifuge to get all the best fat from the milk of organic grass fed cows). It tastes awful but who cares.

It is full of this mythical supplement called Vitamin K which is super important for all sorts of brain health, heart health, mental and physical constitution. And the fermented cod livver oil is like full of high quality absorbable K also and Vitaman D. Something about the combo of the two creates a synnergistic catalyst effect.

I'm not one for supplements and naturopathic bulls**t but this was covered by Tim Ferriss and part of his own daily regimen. Take a tablespoon each morning. jUst swallow it. If you take it morning and night plus add 5 brazill nuts and the night before a large stake with several eggs it makes you into one of the most harcore performing sex machines as within a 24 hour cycle your testosterione will be naturally boosted considerably.

Im not sold on the powers of vit k2


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #67 on: August 05, 2016, 11:38:54 AM »
Im not sold on the powers of vit k2

would you care to elaborate? I've done the testosterone protocol with eggs, steak, blue ice by the tablespoon full, brazil nuts and 5000 iu's of VItamin D at a time.

By the way Arnett and Gunson's nurses are instructed as part of your pre-surgery period workup to have you take a few thousand iu's of Vitamin D, and fish oil prior to surgery. But this blue ice stuff is beyond next level.

Do you bellieve GHEE Is good for you? Ghee has been known in india to be one of the most energizing, anti-inflammatory and hormone regulating substances. This is why all the villagers in India who follow the traditional diet of eating handfuls of ghee from wild buffalo dairy all have just the most enviable jaws and jawlines and cheekbones you'd every see on a person. And they're all vegetarian but they eat organic produce grown from very mineral rich soil and tons of ghee.

Butter Oil is basically ghee but at an even higher level of quality because instead of low heat to separate the nutrients in dairy from the fat, a centrifugue is used and this preserves much of the nutrients. Then it's mixed with high quality fermented cod liver oil and BOOM.

Do you have reservations eating it because it's dairy mixed with a meat product? Are you even allowed to try it?


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #68 on: August 05, 2016, 03:45:20 PM »
would you care to elaborate? I've done the testosterone protocol with eggs, steak, blue ice by the tablespoon full, brazil nuts and 5000 iu's of VItamin D at a time.

By the way Arnett and Gunson's nurses are instructed as part of your pre-surgery period workup to have you take a few thousand iu's of Vitamin D, and fish oil prior to surgery. But this blue ice stuff is beyond next level.

Do you bellieve GHEE Is good for you? Ghee has been known in india to be one of the most energizing, anti-inflammatory and hormone regulating substances. This is why all the villagers in India who follow the traditional diet of eating handfuls of ghee from wild buffalo dairy all have just the most enviable jaws and jawlines and cheekbones you'd every see on a person. And they're all vegetarian but they eat organic produce grown from very mineral rich soil and tons of ghee.

Butter Oil is basically ghee but at an even higher level of quality because instead of low heat to separate the nutrients in dairy from the fat, a centrifugue is used and this preserves much of the nutrients. Then it's mixed with high quality fermented cod liver oil and BOOM.

Do you have reservations eating it because it's dairy mixed with a meat product? Are you even allowed to try it?

ive read the weston price stuff imo its all unproven and anecdotaL At best. ive known many good looking ppl who have eaten the traditional diet all their lives and they have great developed bone structures. imo its all genetics


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #69 on: August 05, 2016, 04:08:57 PM »
Do you bellieve GHEE Is good for you? Ghee has been known in india to be one of the most energizing, anti-inflammatory and hormone regulating substances. This is why all the villagers in India who follow the traditional diet of eating handfuls of ghee from wild buffalo dairy all have just the most enviable jaws and jawlines and cheekbones you'd every see on a person. And they're all vegetarian but they eat organic produce grown from very mineral rich soil and tons of ghee.
FWIW, I remember reading an Indian max fac paper somewhere where they did an absolute boatload of implants - cheekbones, jaws.  Couldn't tell that it made any difference at all.  The subject looked weak-boned before, and did so after. I remember reading a riposte paper paper by another Indian researcher - which can be summarised as "why are you bothering? no-one can tell the difference".


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #70 on: August 05, 2016, 04:52:17 PM »
i wouldnt be surprised if theres something to k2 in terms of physical  bone strength help utilize d3 etc but in terms of looks i highly doubt theres any connection. when i looked into k2 like 98% of all articles are written by people with no medical background. most are at worst just average ppl who read a few snippets of weston a price material  and  at best some naturopathic doctor who doesnt use any actual real studies to back up their claims. at best just anecdotal stuff.

i wish it was that easy to just change diet and have good looking kids but it isnt so. heck the relative who i look like was born in 1905 in rural germany on a farm. im pretty sure they didnt eat processed foods, i mean they were farmers and cattle dealers. he had every single maxillofacial deformity possible.

imo dr. mew stuff which is also unproven has far more "evidence" then the k2, weston price ppl.

unfortunaley looks are really just genetic lottery. i mean yes allergies other stuff can make stuff worse but im pretty positive take 2 ugly people mate them, raise them on pure organic weston price diet, tons of k2,  no mouth breathing ,perfect oral posture, raised in  a anti allergy enviroment, they still wont be good looking

take 2 models ,mate them raise them on mcdonalds, mouth breathing , put an old dusty carpet in their rooms, they will still be good looking overall maybe with a few flaws but overall good looking.

ive seen many ppl with narrow plates who are still good looking, samewith big noses, bas orbital rims etc. its really the overall bone structure that determines good looking or bad looking.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #71 on: August 05, 2016, 06:51:15 PM »
i wouldnt be surprised if theres something to k2 in terms of physical  bone strength help utilize d3 etc but in terms of looks i highly doubt theres any connection. when i looked into k2 like 98% of all articles are written by people with no medical background. most are at worst just average ppl who read a few snippets of weston a price material  and  at best some naturopathic doctor who doesnt use any actual real studies to back up their claims. at best just anecdotal stuff.

i wish it was that easy to just change diet and have good looking kids but it isnt so. heck the relative who i look like was born in 1905 in rural germany on a farm. im pretty sure they didnt eat processed foods, i mean they were farmers and cattle dealers. he had every single maxillofacial deformity possible.

imo dr. mew stuff which is also unproven has far more "evidence" then the k2, weston price ppl.

unfortunaley looks are really just genetic lottery. i mean yes allergies other stuff can make stuff worse but im pretty positive take 2 ugly people mate them, raise them on pure organic weston price diet, tons of k2,  no mouth breathing ,perfect oral posture, raised in  a anti allergy enviroment, they still wont be good looking

take 2 models ,mate them raise them on mcdonalds, mouth breathing , put an old dusty carpet in their rooms, they will still be good looking overall maybe with a few flaws but overall good looking.

ive seen many ppl with narrow plates who are still good looking, samewith big noses, bas orbital rims etc. its really the overall bone structure that determines good looking or bad looking.

Dude I'm not saying any of this s**t will make you good looking at all. Same with you plosko. I'm just ssaying it will be good for you while you are recovering.

I was just drinking ensure and like gatorade after my surgery and then when I shifted to drinking green juices (juice homemade, not smoothies) made with dandelion, arugala, organic greens: kale, spinach, beets, raw turmeric, raw ginger etc. etc. and started drinking two of those a day and then two broths a day --you have no idea the inight and day difference it made in my sense of wellbeing.
I have decidYOU HEARD IT HERER LAZLO IS ON A RAW JUICE FAST TILL HE REACHES 160lbs --I"M CALCULATING ABOUT 3 MONTHS --SO December 1stI'll report back!!!! y the way to keep up this juice and broth fast till I reach my target weight of 160lbs --


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #72 on: August 05, 2016, 09:51:15 PM »
I think Weston Price's research is spot on but his views has been grossly misapplied since. Faces are how humans show reproductive fitness so they're sensitive to overall health. One of the biggest factors affecting facial development now is dysfunctional immune systems and the chronic nasal congestion it causes in early childhood. But it's only responsible for the acute disorders that most of the extreme cases that many of us face, specifically the long face syndrome. The two prime suspects in allergy development are hygiene and microbiome. The microbiome is imprinted mostly from parents and I think populations are dwindling with each successive generation, a Pottenger's cat-like effect. Poor hygiene both stimulates the immune system and replenishes the micrbiome with new strains of bacteria. There was an interesting study published just this week comparing two primitive groups in America (one Amish, I forget the other), one had severe allergy problems and the other has none. They've identified proximity to cows in particular as the factor that distinguishes them, other bacterial exposure seemed less significant. So the point is, simply eating a primitive diet isn't going to fix these problems which is where the followers are being misled. That's just the largest factor, the nutritional status of the mother, quality of sleep (where growth hormones occur), pollution and other hormone disruptors, all those things have the potential to alter normal development too but are harder to pin down. My n=1, my second kid was raised fully paleo and actually has no sign of allergies and even though I have well developed arches his are pretty crowded. He was exlcusively breast fed for one year. My first had allergy problems the first two years but they cleared up by age 5, allergist couldn't find anything to treat! She has an open bite now and I don't think it'll close, she'll need surgery. Mom had an overbite growing up fixed with headgear, which she claims she didn't wear that much but who knows. I don't think we're going to fix these problems with lifestyle changes, even though a big upset would probably do the trick. We're going got need therapeutic intervention at some point. There's a lot of interesting research on these topics but not from people like Weston Price or Dr Mew, look at orthodontics graduate thesis and people with Phds. Even the one chapter summary of facial development was way over my head in one of the oral surgery textbooks and I even have the medical school basics down and a lot of experience reading medical literature (the author, as it happens, is just a random dentist in NM who doesn't attract much attention otherwise).

I have the same feeling about augmentations too. In general it takes about 3mm to make a noticeable difference on a face but you're not gonna make a radical difference. I saw one patient on the FB group who had an exceptional amount of work done and she was definitely prettier afterwards but it was a small difference for a lot of invasiveness. Last I heard she had a bunch of swelling that extended to her and throat and freaked her out but I think she was ok in the end, could be unrelated. The one exception I'd say is the infraorbital rims because it's the difference between having notable eye bags and not. The augmentation itself isn't too visible.

I do wonder the same about testosterone btw. Actually I'm surprised oral surgeons don't check levels before surgery because it's an important hormones for bones. I would guess women are more likely to have mal-union complications than men. But then most orthodontics don't even check for medications that increase the risk of root resorption, 85% don't even bother to collect a ceph for a treatment plan. Just like Realtors, they're all about volume.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2016, 11:11:02 AM »
if you dont think nutrition makes a difference look at north vs south koreans.

its a small island with a very very very homogenic gene pool, and after 70 years look how different they have become.

the main stable of their diet is spicey beef soup with cooked out bones and kimchey which has insane amounts of probiotics.

comepare the skin, height and jaw sizes of the girls in the north and the south.

it would be super interesting to see the pre and projected tracing. i am especially interested in how many degrees of rotation was done, and around which point it was done, ie auto rotation, c, ans.


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Re: THE LAZLO CHRONICLES ---PART TWO: do not get jaw surgery!!!!
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2016, 12:46:59 PM »
if you dont think nutrition makes a difference look at north vs south koreans.

its a small island with a very very very homogenic gene pool, and after 70 years look how different they have become.

the main stable of their diet is spicey beef soup with cooked out bones and kimchey which has insane amounts of probiotics.

comepare the skin, height and jaw sizes of the girls in the north and the south.

it would be super interesting to see the pre and projected tracing. i am especially interested in how many degrees of rotation was done, and around which point it was done, ie auto rotation, c, ans.

pretty good points but i'm not sure you need meat at all. lots of people on vegetarian diets with hiqh quality nutrients and they have great bone health.