Author Topic: How ugly am I? Should I even bother with pursuing jaw surgery?  (Read 6561 times)


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Re: How ugly am I? Should I even bother with pursuing jaw surgery?
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2016, 05:42:22 AM »
I find it very hard to believe you're being avoided solely on  your looks.  I had WAY messed up teeth/jaws and still managed to be social with as many friends as I have now even after my smile is fixed.  I was also married before I had any jaw/dental work done.  Why is that? Because I could see past my own flaws and I didn't let it stop me from going out, having friends, having a boyfriend, etc.  I mean this in the nicest way possible, but sometimes people who sit at home and say "poor me, I am so ugly," (when, like in your case, they absolutely are not ugly) are actually bringing your isolation on yourself.  You work this notion in to your head that you're a hideous person and you start shrinking back in to lonely self loathing mode and then think it's everybody else avoiding you when in fact it's that you've shrunk back and it's YOU avoiding everybody else.

You're fine.  I wouldn't do something drastic like jaw surgery to fix what problems you think you might have.  Chances are it's not going to be the fix all you're looking for and these issues run much deeper than that.  You need to learn to love you for you now.  If you do that and get some confidence back, I am willing to bet your social life and everything else will seen an uptick again.


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Re: How ugly am I? Should I even bother with pursuing jaw surgery?
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2017, 11:33:07 AM »
Both of you, please be honest. I get made fun of on a daily basis for my appearance. I can't pick up dates, I'm never anyone's choice for hanging out or going to a party with, and I'm never invited to the club/anywhere. A couple of days ago I was with someone at a bar and I asked him whether I was ugly and demanding he give me an honest answer -- he didn't answer and instead started crying. I know I'm ugly, and it doesn't help me to deny it because then I don't know what I can do to fix myself.

A couple of days ago I was with someone at a bar and I asked him whether I was ugly and demanding he give me an honest answer -- he didn't answer and instead started crying.

That was the funniest thing I ever read!  He started crying???   
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Re: How ugly am I? Should I even bother with pursuing jaw surgery?
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2017, 11:37:48 AM »
Lol you are not ugly, obviously he was laughing at your hair.
Harvest, Harvest, Wherever You May Be; I Am the Lord of the Cartilage, Said He.