Author Topic: 8 mm maxilla + 16 mm jaw + CCW  (Read 13433 times)


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Re: 8 mm maxilla + 16 mm jaw + CCW
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2016, 07:25:24 AM »
Your surgeon should have warned you about this. One guy I consulted with told me this several times. You have psychological trouble adjusting to the 'new' image of yourself. You've had a self-image that you've been used to looking at for over X number of years (however old you are) and now it's dramatically changed.. that can be a shock.

You should have thought about this before you went through with it honestly and weighed up the psychological ramifications of changing something so personal... I know you had sleep apnea.. but it should have entered into your thinking.

The surgeon I saw said this can be particularly difficult for older people who get surgery for sleep apnea as the movements (like yours) are much stronger than most cases.

Go to a psychologist or have the maxfac refer you to one for advice, I'm sure he will have seen many patients who get the same issue.

Im already seeing one, thanks anyways.


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Re: 8 mm maxilla + 16 mm jaw + CCW
« Reply #31 on: October 04, 2016, 12:58:00 PM »
Why does that happen? I mean, why would they remove my ANS? Is it fixable?
Typically it's done to prevent the nose tip from rising too much from the advancement and the upper lip from becoming too convex.


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Re: 8 mm maxilla + 16 mm jaw + CCW
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2016, 04:15:03 PM »

i can help you fix your posture, and the result will be that your jaw will protrude less. in fact, i fixed my posture, and breathing has now become more difficult, and my jaw has become less pronounced, increasing my need and desire for surgery.

just to warn you - there is nothing easy or quick about fixing your posture when you are an adult, it takes much more dedication and decipline than putting on a few pounds or loosing them - but the results are life changing way beyond the aestetics.


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Re: 8 mm maxilla + 16 mm jaw + CCW
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2016, 01:57:16 AM »
[ ignore this post if you are not interested in improving posture, protruder am posting it here and not in pm as others might benefit]

to fix your posture you need two things, 1 mindset and 2 tools

1) mindset

basically you have to be become obsessed in a good way. as with our mutual quest of optimizing our facial bone structure:

- you need to take total ownership, because nobody else really cares (as with your face)

- you need to become an expert on anatomy and kinetics, as your problems and solutions are interdependent, you need to accept that the answers are confusing, and can run contrary to popular belief

-you need to realise that there is not one exercise or one video that will fix it, every second of every day in which you are not getting better you are getting worse, you need to enjoy the road (and this is a huge difference from fixing your jaw, where the right doctor can make a huge impact and you can be done with it)

2) tools

a) macro and b) micro bodywork

macro (feldenkrais, ideokinesis, pilates, yoga (except feldenkrais useless if not done  one on one for at leasat 20 sessions)

check this guy out

go out and start doing feldenkrais if you cant find the motivation to do it by yourself, to get an awareness of your body.

the cool thing, is that once you start getting into it, you feel better straight away. you will notice straight away that this stuff works. and feldenkrais is basically free, as you can download lessens and then do them. you should do some classes, but once you understood the concept, you can progress on your own, as this was designed to be done by listening, not by instruction.

also look for ideokinesis

go out and try to find some other, general movement teachers,  the best ones are hard to find, and reluctant to work with you, until they see your passion for willing to improve. they are working with actors, or with the professional sports teams. they are attached to theatre study programs, etc.

these guys are good because they look at the body as a whole more so than physios.


physios can also help, but 90% are useless and dont know jack s**t (same goes for personal trainer) or they do have knowledge, but they are too lazy to invest their time into you. they know good exersises, but these only work if you do them right, again and again and again, like learning how to pitch a slider. they have to retrain your body which you have missused your entire life (as most of us have). they need to teach you about your scapular control, your diaf. breathing, your multifudus activation.

i have spent easily 50k on physios and trainers over the last 20 years, and i only found out about feldenkrais in ideokinesis in the last two, which has helped me the most