Author Topic: narrow lower palate and aesthetics  (Read 2913 times)


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narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« on: November 24, 2016, 02:29:07 AM »
Hey guys both my upper lower palates are narrow and V shaped. I'm offered a segmental lefort as part of my bimax, but what about the lower palate?

Does it affect facial aesthetics or is it tied in to having a narrow lower jaw in general?

*Does anyone know if the upper palate expansion will be limited proportionately to my lower palate? And if so, won't this be a drawback?


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2016, 10:07:26 AM »
What I've been told by a surgeon is that the position of the lower teeth will determine the position of the upper teeth.  That said, I do wonder what range of movement of the lower teeth is possible with a given lower jaw position.  I wonder, for instance, if the central lower teeth can be brought backward orthodontically, and the lower jaw moved forward, to create a more oval/squared arch form rather than a V-shaped arch form.  I definitely want to maximize that impact for myself in forthcoming revision surgery.


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2016, 07:25:53 AM »
I'm concerned about facial harmony - surely the rest of my face grew to match my narrow upper/lower palates? I wonder how much expansion would actually be ideal.


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2016, 09:49:45 AM »
I'm concerned about facial harmony - surely the rest of my face grew to match my narrow upper/lower palates? I wonder how much expansion would actually be ideal.

I asked Dr Jamali on Real Experts if you have two narrow arches and you wanted SARPE done on the top, say for nasal breathing purposes, is there a way to make the bottom teeth match and he said yes there is.
The more I learn about the gamble that is jaw surgery the more afraid I become!!!   :-(


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2016, 09:55:16 AM »
you can use palate expansion even slow palate expansion with functional orthodontics has shown to have potential to create small amounts of space


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2016, 04:57:37 PM »
What I've been told by a surgeon is that the position of the lower teeth will determine the position of the upper teeth.  That said, I do wonder what range of movement of the lower teeth is possible with a given lower jaw position.  I wonder, for instance, if the central lower teeth can be brought backward orthodontically, and the lower jaw moved forward, to create a more oval/squared arch form rather than a V-shaped arch form.  I definitely want to maximize that impact for myself in forthcoming revision surgery.

Actually that is done.  But it could mean pre molar removal.  It brings the front lower incisors back into a slightly wider part of the jaw.  Then bringing the jaw forward via surgery also can make for a stronger looking jaw.


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Re: narrow lower palate and aesthetics
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2016, 04:47:01 AM »
Actually that is done.  But it could mean pre molar removal.  It brings the front lower incisors back into a slightly wider part of the jaw.  Then bringing the jaw forward via surgery also can make for a stronger looking jaw.

Could you avoid needing removing your molars if you choose to use the free space from your removed wisdom teeth to bring all the teeth on the lower jaw backwards?