I had a lip lift combined with mucosal reduction (reduction in upper lip bulk) and DAO muscle release (muscle that pulls down corners of mouth). I did this to attempt to raise the overall position of the mouth. I think it was worked out well for my own purposes. I did the mucosal reduction so that the lip lift wouldn't have much feminizing effect by making the red show of the upper lip much larger, as I didn't have thin lips to begin with. The issue was that after maxillary impaction, I had very little tooth show. Now I'm OK with the tooth show.
I'll say this: of the procedures I've had, I found this one particularly emotionally taxing. The mouth is right in the center of the face, and I was very concerned about how it would turn out prior to the procedure, and until things started settling down, I had significant stress about it. I recommend seeing a surgeon's before and afters, doing research, understanding the precise (to the mm.) excision area, etc. There aren't a ton of make lip lift before and afters on the internet.