of course they will say its more important, because the amount of s**t you can sell to people on the basis of soft tissue changes (throw "coloring" and complexion etc in here as well) is huge compared to the amount of s**t you can sell people on bone, for which procedures are limited and very invasive. It is after all, a business, and one and done approaches will always bring in less money overall than having people constantly come in for little tune ups.
You see this in the plastic surgery industry all the time, 90% of their customer base is people going in for goofy procedures like nip and tuck jobs, fat injections, etc.
I dont see how you could ever make the case that soft tissue is more important that bone structure, since everything that results in a major improvement in looks is the result of major changes to the bone structure. Soft tissue is dependent on hard tissue, and never vice versa.
Very few people look significantly better after fat grafts/injections, lifts or tans. Most people do look better after major surgery. Most of the "soft tissue" looks people are after are a result of bone structure, the "hollow" or "model" cheeks for example, are the product of wide and high cheekbones and wide mandibles, and the soft tissue only approach of removing the buccal fat pad NEVER looks that good.