well that happens with cadaver bone as well --as long as its a graft between two bones. ie. between an osteotomy. Can you shape and graft ON TOP of a bone with this graft? And will bone still grow through it? I don't think so. So it's useless as a grafting material in the way medpor can be used around the jaw angles. Not the holy grail at all. Useless.
see this is what i dont get about all the problems with using bone grafts for augmentation
okay so onlay is extremely unreliable... but interpositional like in most osteotomies is okay? Is it not possible then to perform osteotomies in such a manner where the "surface" to be augmented is cut, moved out and then bone graft used to fill?
if i understand correctly, this already happens with the "widening" chin wing or side wing wtf ever, in theory shouldn't the same thing be possible for the zygomatic arches or malar?