Author Topic: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?  (Read 11864 times)


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2018, 06:35:36 AM »
I think the dimpling is possibly caused by your mentalis muscle being strained. Did anyone you saw mention this? Maybe reversing the SG and reducing the vertical length would take the strain off and therefore resolve the dimpling, which happens when the chin muscle is hyperactive. Shortening the length of your chin would have a beneficial effect aesthetically, but not resolving the other issues you mentioned (philtrum length etc) would possibly mean you wouldn't be happy after having it done?

I think a full jaw revision would give you the best overall aesthetic outcome, but obviously it is not only expensive but a lot to go through again, so nothing anyone should recommend lightly. It really comes down to how much those other issues bother you? They are not really bad ones, so it isn't a case of a revision being essential.

If I were you I would still go and see yet more jaw surgeons (or try and get free opinions through email for those that will do that - possibly even with international surgeons). If almost all of them are saying no to a genio alone then I think you have to conclude there is good reason for this. One question to ask all of them is what they think the risk might be of any ptosis of the chin muscle following a reverse SG. It's a consideration. I have some sagging in my mentalis muscle (not from surgery though) and it really bothers me. There is a procedure that exists to excise the excess tissue, but it creates a scar under the chin and may not completely tighten things up (in my case).


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2018, 04:43:09 PM »
Thank you for your reply.

I just spent some time looking at other members jaw surgery results via blogs, etc. It does appear that my surgery results and bite are stable in comparison. My bite is closed, there's minimal - maybe 1mm horizontal movement, and minimal TMJ pain.

It's just the loss of self I think ---- I spent so much time worrying about my open bite and recessed chin through the years that I didn't realize how much I loved the other things about my face.

I'm not excited about going through another surgery... especially since there's no guarantee that it will make me happier.

I might try some less invasive things first - maybe lip filler to make the mouth seem less pinched and the philtrum length less glaring.


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2018, 07:10:08 AM »

You probably don't need a whole do-over of the maxfax surgery since your function is fine and the overly convex profile was improved. However, the CHIN is the main concern.

No idea why you got your chin done in a 2ncd surgery though. It would have best have been done in the first one where it could have been moved UPWARD along with outward so it did not look 'long' in frontal.

That said, I think you can isolate any revision to JUST the CHIN. To that regard, you want to look for docs who are open to revising just the chin. Not sure but some of the 'big names' might just want to take on cases where they can revise the whole thing and you don't need a total do-over.
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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2018, 10:32:04 AM »

that's exactly right. I have talked to two offices who said they wouldn't take on chin reversal/revision alone, only complete jaw surgery revision. they don't want to put their hands on someone elses work unless they are going to completely make it their own.

I am reluctant to undergo another double jaw surgery for many reasons, including cost and further blunting of my roots from another round of orthodontics. I have made it through my first round of DJS with no root damage or residual numbness and I have to consider myself lucky in that affect.

The chin was done as a secondary surgery at my request as my profile was still rather long and flat after DJS. It did look MUCH BETTER after the BSSO, I should've left things as they were. I am kicking myself now. I'm consulting with Deschamps-Braly soon about a chin reversal/revision. I think for the right $$$ he is willing to do an isolated chin surgery.


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2018, 01:09:36 PM »

that's exactly right.
I have talked to two offices who said they wouldn't take on chin reversal/revision alone, only complete jaw surgery revision. they don't want to put their hands on someone elses work unless they are going to completely make it their own.

I am reluctant to undergo another double jaw surgery for many reasons, including cost and further blunting of my roots from another round of orthodontics. I have made it through my first round of DJS with no root damage or residual numbness and I have to consider myself lucky in that affect.

The chin was done as a secondary surgery at my request as my profile was still rather long and flat after DJS. It did look MUCH BETTER after the BSSO, I should've left things as they were. I am kicking myself now. I'm consulting with Deschamps-Braly soon about a chin reversal/revision. I think for the right $$$ he is willing to do an isolated chin surgery.

Well, I'm usually right. You are too in this case to not get a total do over. There are probably maxfax docs who would do just the chin but the 'bigger' the name, the 'smaller' the likelihood. Options open for other PSs who have some cranio background to do just the chin also.   
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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2018, 07:29:25 PM »
Hi Jawsurgery forum goers - I had my consult with DSB and wanted to report back. Very professional and upscale office. Lots of imaging beforehand, X-rays from multiple views + CT + digital impressions. His recommendation is a genioplasty revision and while he's in there why not remove my BSSO hardware and smooth over some bone spurs.

His plan included removing 10mm vertical height + tapering the sides to create a more feminine, less boxy appearing chin. I think this is "V" line genioplasty? A "T" shaped piece of bone is removed then secured with plates. He recommended adding 2mm more of forward projection (currently it's 4mm so it would be 6mm).

Open to any comments from y'all....


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2018, 12:08:31 PM »
The only before and afters I've seen of his are gender reassignment feminization procedures, but they all looked AWESOME. Would you be willing to PM me the quote they gave you for a revision (including hospital fees, yada yada)?


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Re: Anyone had Jaw Surgery with Dr. Jordan Deschamps-Braly?
« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2018, 12:38:53 PM »
upscale office.

Just an FYI: this means nothing.
Millimeters are miles on the face.