Hi guys,
I need your help to finally make a decision which procedures I should get:
Functional problems:
-Unfixable lisp (been to the speechtherapist 3-4 times)
-Short breath, need to mouth breath even when walking fast
-Lip incompetence, have to actually press to get them closed
But since I had camoflage ortho in my teeange years (until 16, 21 now), the maxfac I consulted wanted to Chin wing + ZSO and said he wouldn't do bimax if my ex-ortho doesn't recommend it, of course he didn't.
My problems are my weak chin, the negative orbital vector and the flat midface, even though my mouth protrudes behind my forehead, the midface itself seems to be recessed.
Would you say Bimax and Genio would solve these problems? I have seen many Lefort 1s solving the negative orbital vector.
Thanks to the user CCW who recommended me to overthink my plans!
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