Are good looks objective? I dont think so.
Most average looking people are content with their genetic looks, and would not opt for elective surgery. some ugly people too. they often go on to live meaningful and fruitful lives.
On the other hand there are good looking people who get obsessiveness and hate how they look. They often go on to get way more procedures than is needed. Do they feel good about how they look after? maybe, but probably not.
If you take the most beautiful women in the hunter gatherer societies of the amazon, and show them to NY or LA, they might not like what they see. same goes for the way the best looking in hollywood are percieved in the amazon. Do you think Justin Biebers looks would be worth a damn in a rainforest?
My point is, find what YOU dont like, and fix it. Try to make that decision based on YOU and not the WORLD AROUND YOU, which is impossible.