My surgeon has said that I could have an advancement genioplasty where he would rotate the chin aswell as move it forwards to give me more length to the lower part of my face.
I have a Class 2 skeletal 2 over bite with deep labiodental fold (see pics on Overbite forum)
I know the best solution would be bimax and possible genioplasty. However my bite doesn't bother me and some improvement with a lower chance of numbness does appeal? My main issue is a short face from front on, my chin hides my recessed jaw at the moment.
Is there any reason not to do a genio with a bite that is not class 1, other than it is does not provide the absolute best functional solution. My surgeon is experienced in both jaw surgery and genios. I would not pay for the surgery as I have been told it would be funded by the NHS in the UK? Any thoughts appreciated