Author Topic: Anxiety and Jaw development  (Read 7133 times)


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Anxiety and Jaw development
« on: May 02, 2017, 06:07:03 AM »
i read somewhere that maybe the root cause of all issues it would expalin 87% of the users here (me included)

Why does the kiddo never stop to have the infant deglutition pattern? perhaps he is anxious.

from there a lot of s**t starts: mouth does not develop, nose gets clotted, mouthe breathing...



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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2017, 11:52:17 AM »
Very plausible.  I've seen a study which shows hormone profile changes resulting from environmental stress factors.  Like if a child is being bullied his testosterone will drop off as an evolutionary protection method, to keep him out of the sights of the aggressors.  Wish I could find it so I could site it here. 


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2017, 03:12:24 PM »
It might play a part but it is probably quite subtle.

IMHO , Genetics =  Almost Everything.

My best looking friend (male model material face wise , albeit 5'9)was majorly suicidal all through his teens.

Also worth adding, correlation is not causation. And causation might be reverse. Sub par looks lead to sub par social experiences and sub par mental health. Ofcourse exceptions exist.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2017, 03:23:55 PM by Milli_Meters »


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2017, 10:14:22 PM »
It might play a part but it is probably quite subtle.

IMHO , Genetics =  Almost Everything.

My best looking friend (male model material face wise , albeit 5'9)was majorly suicidal all through his teens.

Also worth adding, correlation is not causation. And causation might be reverse. Sub par looks lead to sub par social experiences and sub par mental health. Ofcourse exceptions exist.

looks mostly genetic --99 percent

brain health: 50/50

neurons that fire together wire together

emember that quote and remember the more you pay attention to something or worry about something the stronger it ill get. why so many of us can't tear ourselves from this site. Why i tell newbies without big problems (or mostly no problems) get the f**k out of here.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2017, 01:35:56 AM »
To me it's really quite simple. It's all genetics: at some point our brains reached a level of consciousness where we got smart enough to value other traits than strong genes when selecting mating partners, yet dumb enough to not consider what consequences this would have for later generations.

The society we live in today goes against nature in almost every way thinkable way, to the point where lots of people have kids even though one isn't attracted physically to the other. Some were even forced into marriages, and even more women force pregnancy upon themselves artificially despite not being able to get pregnant through regular intercourse.

Yes, I know that it probably isn't as simple as "bad genes+good genes=ugly babies with bad genes". But I definitely think we've increased the odds of inheriting bad genes with our weird, unnatural ways of procreation and choosing mating partners.

I'm also quite certain that stuff like polution and the introduction of certain chemicals and products if the chemical revolution like plastics and certain drugs have messed with our hormones and negatively influenced our genetic material on a grand scale: consider how many dangerous chemicals and additives are allowed in and around our food just because certain industries lobby for the use of them and the amounts that we get are considered safe yet we aren't 100% sure about their long-term impact.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2017, 01:47:10 AM by UnderMunch »


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2017, 01:49:28 AM »

looks mostly genetic --99 percent

brain health: 50/50

neurons that fire together wire together

emember that quote and remember the more you pay attention to something or worry about something the stronger it ill get. why so many of us can't tear ourselves from this site. Why i tell newbies without big problems (or mostly no problems) get the f**k out of here.



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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2017, 02:19:38 AM »
My own, anecdotal experience also tells me that the whole "mouth breathing equals ugly, long face" can't be 100% true: I suffered from asthma and chronic congestion in my nasal cavity all the way from infancy to about 16-17, and was literally bullied in school for always running around with my mouth open and having bad breath. Even my teachers would comment on it.

However, I recently had my doctor measure all the different dimensions of my face with digital calipers and all the dimensions are 100% average in comparison to statistics. I also measured at home and got the same results: The breadth of my face and skull are also average and the distance between my pupils and the top of my upper lip ratio is right about 1, with no long face or long hook nose going on at all.
The only dimension that's somewhat below average, is the length of my lower jaw but only by a few millimeters. And it's also positioned a bit too far back.

I know this sounds as bragging, but I'm really just trying to point out that the whole mouth breathing thing can't be completely true and that genetics or other factors are more important.

All these pseudo scientific theories are just furthering our bdd and are more emotional self-hatred than logical science.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2017, 02:57:30 AM »
My own, anecdotal experience also tells me that the whole "mouth breathing equals ugly, long face" can't be 100% true: I suffered from asthma and chronic congestion in my nasal cavity all the way from infancy to about 16-17, and was literally bullied in school for always running around with my mouth open and having bad breath. Even my teachers would comment on it.

However, I recently had my doctor measure all the different dimensions of my face with digital calipers and all the dimensions are 100% average in comparison to statistics. I also measured at home and got the same results: The breadth of my face and skull are also average and the distance between my pupils and the top of my upper lip ratio is right about 1, with no long face or long hook nose going on at all.
The only dimension that's somewhat below average, is the length of my lower jaw but only by a few millimeters. And it's also positioned a bit too far back.

I know this sounds as bragging, but I'm really just trying to point out that the whole mouth breathing thing can't be completely true and that genetics or other factors are more important.

All these pseudo scientific theories are just furthering our bdd and are more emotional self-hatred than logical science.
Hmm I don't know, maybe some people are more susceptible to change than others, a well known surgeon told me "of course everyone knows mouth breathing causes facial deformation", as if I were stupid for questioning it, like it's completely established in the medical world.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2017, 12:46:51 PM »
Improper jaw development caused by s**tty genetics leads to mouth-breathing and not the other way around. When the skeletal issue is corrected, the breathing pattern corrects itself. No one mouth-breathes for no reason.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2017, 12:57:47 PM »
Improper jaw development caused by s**tty genetics leads to mouth-breathing and not the other way around. When the skeletal issue is corrected, the breathing pattern corrects itself. No one mouth-breathes for no reason.
They can mouth breathe due to allergies causing inflated adenoids etc...
Kids sucking on dummies for too long can start the improper growth cycle...
I don't believe that jaw deformities are always due to genetics.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #10 on: June 15, 2017, 12:58:48 PM »
They can mouth breathe due to allergies causing inflated adenoids etc...
Kids sucking on dummies for too long can start the improper growth cycle...
I don't believe that jaw deformities are always due to genetics.

Nice profile pic. Loved that show.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #11 on: June 15, 2017, 01:03:09 PM »
Nice profile pic. Loved that show.
Oh man/girl I am obsessed with it, I grew up with Batman The Animated Series and it has actually shaped so much of my life. Animation has never come close to that standard imo, Mask of the Phantasm is my favorite.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #12 on: June 15, 2017, 01:11:56 PM »
Man here.

Yeah that show/movies really captured the essence of Batman and the noir element  paved path for Nolan's trilogy. Batman had gone campy several times and these animated ventures brought the character to its authentic self.

Also Bruce wayne suffered massive childhood trauma , yet Batman has a godly jawline.   Yeah , keeping on topic  :P


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2017, 01:20:41 PM »
Man here.

Yeah that show/movies really captured the essence of Batman and the noir element  paved path for Nolan's trilogy. Batman had gone campy several times and these animated ventures brought the character to its authentic self.

Also Bruce wayne suffered massive childhood trauma , yet Batman has a godly jawline.   Yeah , keeping on topic  :P
Haha also keeping on topic, he did lack a submental fold... The film noir element is pretty much what made the show for me.


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Re: Anxiety and Jaw development
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2017, 04:20:03 AM »
I think it's funny you refer to 'pseudo science' then go on to state we should take your sole anecdotal experience as factual truth to validate the theory that 'the whole mouth breathing thing can't be completely true'. ;D

Well, using the word "anecdotal" implies that I understand that my experience is not a scientific study and nothing more than my interpretation of my own experience.

I know that it probably came off as if I dismiss the whole mouth breathing theory just because my own story contradicts it to a large extent, but that wasn't the intention.

What I was going at, which wasn't clear, is that I think there are far, far more factors involved in how our faces turn out than just having a faulty breathing pattern, tongue position, etc. I think faulty breathing patterns and long faces with hook noses are primarily the results of genetics, not the other way around.

The big question is whether or not epigenetics are influential in this developement, or if that's a minor contributing factor. I don't think the science on this is clear yet.